日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:20518 次
create function F_strSpit12(@s varchar(200)) returns @t table(col varchar(5)) as begin insert into @t select substring(@s,number,1) from v_getnumber where number <=len(@s) while not exists(select 1 from @t where col = @s) insert @t -- output inserted.*--inserted.col, inserted.col -- into @tt SELECT T3.COL + T2.COL FROM @t AS T2,@t AS T3 WHERE len(t3.col) = 1 and charindex(T3.COL,T2.COL) =0 and T2.COL > T3.COL return end go declare @s varchar(200) set @s='ABCD' select distinct col,len(col) from dbo.F_strSpit12(@s) where len(col) > 1 order by len(col),col /* col ----- ----------- AB 2 AC 2 AD 2 BC 2 BD 2 CD 2 ABC 3 ABD 3 ACD 3 BCD 3 ABCD 4 (11 行受影响) */
;WITH t1(name) AS ( SELECT 'A' UNION ALL SELECT 'B' UNION ALL SELECT 'C' UNION ALL SELECT 'D' ) ,t2 AS ( SELECT a.name AS name1 ,b.name AS name2 FROM t1 AS a ,t1 AS b WHERE a.name <b.name ) ,t3 AS ( SELECT a.name,b.name1, b.name2 FROM t1 AS a ,t2 AS b WHERE a.name <b.name1 ) SELECT name FROM t1 UNION ALL SELECT name1+name2 FROM t2 UNION ALL SELECT name+name1+name2 FROM t3 /* name ---- A B C D AB AC BC AD BD CD ABC ABD ACD BCD (14 行受影响) */
SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO --排列组合 --DEBUG:exec [dbo].[Arrange] @input='111,222,333' --input:1,2,3 --output:--1 --2 --3 --1,2 --1,3 --2,3 --1,2,3 CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Arrange] @input VARCHAR(100) AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON IF ( LEN(@input) < 1 ) RETURN DECLARE @tableArrange TABLE ( id INT IDENTITY(1, 1) , arrangeValue VARCHAR(100) , maxid INT , lenOfValue INT ) DECLARE @split VARCHAR(10) SET @split = ',' DECLARE @startIndex INT SET @startIndex = 1 DECLARE @endIndex INT SET @endIndex = CHARINDEX(@split, @input, @startIndex) DECLARE @items VARCHAR(100) WHILE ( @endIndex <> 0 ) BEGIN SET @items = SUBSTRING(@input, @startIndex, @endIndex - @startIndex) IF LEN(@items) > 0 INSERT INTO @tableArrange ( arrangeValue ) VALUES ( @items ) SET @startIndex = @endIndex + 1 SET @endIndex = CHARINDEX(@split, @input, @startIndex) END SET @items = SUBSTRING(@input, @startIndex, LEN(@input) - @startIndex + 1) IF LEN(@items) > 0 INSERT INTO @tableArrange ( arrangeValue ) VALUES ( @items ) UPDATE @tableArrange SET maxid = id , lenOfValue = 1 DECLARE @count INT-- DECLARE @currentlen INT DECLARE @value VARCHAR(100) DECLARE @valueInsert VARCHAR(100) DECLARE @start INT DECLARE @end INT DECLARE @i INT DECLARE @j INT DECLARE @maxid INT DECLARE @lenofvalue INT SELECT @count = MAX(id) FROM @tableArrange SET @currentlen = 1 WHILE ( @currentlen < @count ) BEGIN SELECT @start = MIN(id) , @end = MAX(id) FROM @tableArrange WHERE lenOfValue = @currentlen SET @i = @start WHILE ( @i < @en