日期:2014-05-17  浏览次数:20628 次

列A 列B
1 201208
2 201208 
3 201205
1 201207
2 201206
3 201204
1 201203
2 201204
3 201201
求教,B列录入的时候是输入的int型,我想把它作为日期形式,能不能写条句子查询出列A为1、2、3从200711到现在遗漏的日期。谢谢大神们! 就比如列A为1的 201207-201203就缺了3个月~

SQL code

SELECT b.[A],a.[B]
FROM   (
     SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(6) , DATEADD(mm , number , '20071101') , 112) AS [B]
     FROM   master..spt_values
     WHERE  type = 'p'
            AND number BETWEEN 0 AND DATEDIFF(mm , '20071101' , GETDATE())
    ) a
         SELECT [A]  FROM [tb] GROUP BY [A]
        ) b
SELECT * FROM   [tb]

SQL code

declare @test table(A int,B int)
insert into @test
select 1, 201208 union all
select 2, 201208 union all  
select 3, 201205 union all
select 1, 201207 union all
select 2, 201206 union all
select 3, 201204 union all
select 1, 201203 union all
select 2, 201204 union all
select 3, 201201

declare @ym int
set @ym=200711
select * from
    select t.A,convert(varchar(6),dateadd(mm,number,ltrim(@ym)+'01'),112) dt 
    from master..spt_values,(select distinct A from @test) t 
    where type='P' 
    and number<=datediff(mm,ltrim(@ym)+'01',getdate())
) a
where not exists(select 1 from @test where B=a.dt and A=A.A)
order by A,dt
A           dt
----------- ------
1           200711
1           200712
1           200801
1           200802
1           200803
1           200804
1           200805
1           200806
1           200807
1           200808
1           200809
1           200810
1           200811
1           200812
1           200901
1           200902
1           200903
1           200904
1           200905
1           200906
1           200907
1           200908
1           200909
1           200910
1           200911
1           200912
1           201001
1           201002
1           201003
1           201004
1           201005
1           201006
1           201007
1           201008
1           201009
1           201010
1           201011
1           201012
1           201101
1           201102
1           201103
1           201104
1           201105
1           201106
1           201107
1           201108
1           201109
1           201110
1           201111
1           201112
1           201201
1           201202
1           201204
1           201205
1           201206
1           201209
2           200711
2           200712
2           200801
2           200802
2           200803
2           200804
2           200805
2           200806
2           200807
2           200808
2           200809
2           200810
2           200811
2           200812
2           200901
2           200902
2           200903
2           200904
2           200905
2           200906
2           200907
2           200908
2           200909
2           200910
2           200911
2           200912
2           201001
2           201002
2           201003
2           201004
2           201005
2           201006
2           201007
2           201008
2           201009
2           201010
2           201011
2           201012
2           201101
2           201102
2           201103
2           201104
2           201105
2           201106
2           201107
2           201108
2           201109
2           201110
2           201111
2           201112
2           201201
2           201202
2           201203
2           201205
2           201207
2           201209
3           200711
3           200712
3           200801
3           200802
3           200803
3           200804
3           200805
3           200806
3           200807
3           200808
3           200809
3           200810
3           200811
3           200812
3           200901
3           200902
3           200903