日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:20609 次
select * from ( select coalesce (c.id,b.id) as id , state=(case when c.id IS null then '丢失' when b.id IS not null and c.id is not null then b.state when b.id IS null and c.id is not null then '新增' end ) from Base b full join Compare c on b.id=c.id ) T group by id,state
USE tempdb GO CREATE TABLE base ( id INT , [state] VARCHAR(10) ) CREATE TABLE compare ( id INT , [state] VARCHAR(10) ) INSERT INTO base SELECT 1 , '不变' UNION ALL SELECT 2 , '不变' INSERT INTO compare SELECT 2 , '新增' UNION ALL SELECT 2 , '新增' UNION ALL SELECT 3 , '新增' SELECT DISTINCT CASE WHEN b.id IS NULL THEN a.id WHEN a.id IS NULL THEN b.id ELSE a.id END AS id , CASE WHEN b.id IS NULL THEN '丢失' WHEN a.id IS NULL THEN '新增' ELSE '不变' END AS [state] FROM base a FULL JOIN compare b ON a.id = b.id
--借用楼上数据 CREATE TABLE base(id INT ,[state] VARCHAR(10)) CREATE TABLE compare(id INT ,[state] VARCHAR(10)) INSERT INTO base SELECT 1 ,'不变' UNION ALL SELECT 2 ,'不变' INSERT INTO compare SELECT 2 ,'新增' UNION ALL SELECT 2 ,'新增' UNION ALL SELECT 3 ,'新增' select id= (case when b.id is null and a.id is not null then a.id when a.id is null and b.id is not null then b.id else null end) state=(case when c.id IS null then '丢失' when b.id IS not null and c.id is not null then b.state when b.id IS null and c.id is not null then '新增' else null end ) from base a full join compare b on a.id = b.id