日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:20644 次
use Tempdb go --> --> if not object_id(N'Tempdb..#nation') is null drop table #nation Go Create table #nation([NATION_CODE] int,[NATION_NAME] nvarchar(3)) Insert #nation select 1,N'汉族' union all select 10,N'朝鲜族' union all select 19,N'满族' Go use Tempdb go --> --> if not object_id(N'Tempdb..#Sex') is null drop table #Sex Go Create table #Sex([Code] int,[CodeName] nvarchar(6)) Insert #Sex select 1,N'男' union all select 2,N'女' union all select 0,N'未知的性别' union all select 9,N'未说明的性别' Go if not object_id(N'Tempdb..#resident') is null drop table #resident Go Create table #resident([PK_RESIDENT] NVARCHAR(50),[AUTOID] NVARCHAR(50),[FULLNAME] nvarchar(3),[SEX] int,[NATION] int) Insert #resident select '469029404000617504160','469029404000617504114',N'陈小珍',2,19 Go SELECT ISNULL(a.[NATION_NAME],N'總計') AS 民族, COUNT(1)AS 合计, sum(CASE WHEN a.[CodeName]=N'男' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS 男, sum(CASE WHEN a.[CodeName]=N'男' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS 女 FROM (SELECT * FROM #nation AS a,#Sex AS b WHERE b.[CodeName] LIKE N'[男女]')a LEFT JOIN #resident AS b ON b.[SEX]=a.[Code] AND b.[NATION]=a.[NATION_CODE] GROUP BY a.[NATION_NAME] WITH rollup
看看是否这样的结果 use Tempdb go --> --> if not object_id(N'Tempdb..#nation') is null drop table #nation Go Create table #nation([NATION_CODE] int,[NATION_NAME] nvarchar(20)) Insert #nation select 1,N'汉族' union all select 10,N'朝鲜族' union all select 19,N'满族' Go use Tempdb go --> --> if not object_id(N'Tempdb..#Sex') is null drop table #Sex Go Create table #Sex([Code] int,[CodeName] nvarchar(6)) Insert #Sex select 1,N'男' union all select 2,N'女' union all select 0,N'未知的性别' union all select 9,N'未说明的性别' Go if not object_id(N'Tempdb..#resident') is null drop table #resident Go Create table #resident([PK_RESIDENT] NVARCHAR(50),[AUTOID] NVARCHAR(50),[FULLNAME] nvarchar(3),[SEX] int,[NATION] int) Insert #resident select '469029404000617504160','469029404000617504114',N'陈小珍',2,19 Go --序号 民族 合计 男 女 select 序号=ROW_NUMBER()over(order by groups,case when 民族=N'民族' then 1 else 2 end),民族,合计,男,女 from (SELECT ISNULL(a.[NATION_NAME],N'合计总数') AS 民族, rtrim(COUNT(b.[SEX]))AS 合计, rtrim(count(CASE WHEN a.[CodeName]=N'男' THEN b.[SEX] END)) AS 男, rtrim(count(CASE WHEN a.[CodeName]=N'女' THEN b.[SEX] END)) AS 女, case when GROUPING(a.[NATION_NAME])=1 then 0 else 1 end as groups FROM (SELECT * FROM #nation AS a,#Sex AS b WHERE b.[CodeName] LIKE N'[男女]')a LEFT JOIN #resident AS b ON b.[SEX]=a.[Code] AND b.[NATION]=a.[NATION_CODE] GROUP BY a.[NATION_NAME] WITH rollup union all select '少数民族人口' as 民族,rtrim(COUNT(b.[SEX]))AS 合计, rtrim(count(CASE WHEN a.[CodeName]=N'男' THEN b.[SEX] END)) AS 男, rtrim(count(CASE WHEN a.[CodeName]=N'女' THEN b.[SEX] END)) AS 女, groups=2 from (SELECT * FROM #nation AS a,#Sex AS b WHERE b.[CodeName] LIKE N'[男女]')a inner JOIN #resident AS b ON b.[SEX]=a.[Code] AND b.[NATION]=a.[NATION_CODE] and a.[NATION_NAME] not in(N'汉族') union all select '民族人口比重' as 民族, str(sum(case when a.[NATION_NAME]!=N'汉族' then 1 else 0 end)*100.0/sum(1),5,2)+'%' AS 合计, str(sum(CASE WHEN a.[CodeName]=N'男'