日期:2014-05-17  浏览次数:20677 次

怎么把两条sql语句查询出的数据放在一个查询结果里 sql2005
select top 1 * from Purgdtary where ESOrdersId =58 and PurgErrorTime is not null and purgState>0 order by abs(datediff(d,PurgErrorTime,getdate())) desc 

select top 1 * from Purgdtary where ESOrdersId =58 and PurgEndTime is not null and purgState>0 order by abs(datediff(d,PurgEndTime,getdate())) asc

SQL code
with cte1 as
(select top 1 * from Purgdtary where ESOrdersId =58 and PurgErrorTime is not null 
  and purgState>0 order by abs(datediff(d,PurgErrorTime,getdate())) desc)
,cte2 as(select top 1 * from Purgdtary where ESOrdersId =58 and PurgEndTime is not null 
  and purgState>0 order by abs(datediff(d,PurgEndTime,getdate())) asc)

select * from cte1 union all select * from cte2

SQL code
select * from (select top 1 * from Purgdtary where ESOrdersId =58 and PurgErrorTime is not null and purgState>0 order by abs(datediff(d,PurgErrorTime,getdate())) desc )t
union all 
select * from (select top 1 * from Purgdtary where ESOrdersId =58 and PurgEndTime is not null and purgState>0 order by abs(datediff(d,PurgEndTime,getdate())) asc)t

SQL code
select *
(select top 1 * from Purgdtary where ESOrdersId =58 and PurgErrorTime is not null 
and purgState>0 order by abs(datediff(d,PurgErrorTime,getdate())) desc  
) ta,
(select top 1 * from Purgdtary where ESOrdersId =58 and PurgEndTime is not null 
and purgState>0 order by abs(datediff(d,PurgEndTime,getdate())) asc
) tb