日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:20619 次
-->try declare @x int,@str varchar(20),@sql varchar(max) set @x=0 while @x<20 begin set @x=@x+1 set @str='按年分层 >'+cast(@x-1 as varchar(2))+'& <='+cast(@x as varchar(2))+'表' set @sql=isnull(@sql,'')+' select * into [数据库2].dbo.'+@str+' from ( select *,status status2,[YEAR]-'+cast((@x-1) as varchar(5))+' year2 FROM RECORDCD4 WHERE [YEAR]>'+cast((@x-1) as varchar(5))+' and [YEAR]<='+cast(@x as varchar(5))+' UNION select * ,0,1 FROM RECORDCD4 WHERE [YEAR]>'+cast(@x as varchar(5))+' ) y' end exec(@sql)
declare @x int,@str varchar(20),@sql VARCHAR(max) set @x=0 while @x<20 begin set @x=@x+1 set @str='[按年分层 >'+cast(@x-1 as varchar(2))+'& <='+cast(@x as varchar(2))+'表]' SET @sql='select * into [数据库2].dbo.'+@str+' from ( select *,status status2,[YEAR]-('+LTRIM(@x-1)+') year2 FROM RECORDCD4 WHERE [YEAR]>'+LTRIM(@x-1)+' and [YEAR]<='+LTRIM(@x)+' UNION select * ,0,1 FROM RECORDCD4 WHERE [YEAR]>'+LTRIM(@x)+' ) y' PRINT @sql --EXEC (@sql) END