日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:20514 次
--> 测试数据:[test] if object_id('[test]') is not null drop table [test] go create table [test]([NAME] varchar(1),[B] int,[C] int) insert [test] select 'a',20,23 union all select 'a',28,43 union all select 'b',36,20 union all select 'b',13,56 go ;with t as( select px=row_number()over(partition by [NAME] order by getdate()), * from test ) select [NAME],[B], isnull((select [B]+[C] from t a where a.px=b.px-1 and a.[NAME]=b.[NAME]),[C]) as [C], [B]+[C] as [D] from t b /* [NAME] [B] [C] [D] ----------------------------------- a 20 23 43 a 28 43 71 b 36 20 56 b 13 56 69 */
-->try declare @test table(name varchar(1),B int,C int,D int) insert into @test select 'a', 20, 23, 43 union all select 'a', 28, null, 71 union all select 'b', 36, 20, 56 union all select 'b', 13, null, 69 ;with cte as ( select row_number() over(partition by name order by name) rn,* from @test ) select name,B,C=isnull((select D from cte where t.rn>rn and t.name=name),C),D from cte t /* name B C D ---- ----------- ----------- ----------- a 20 23 43 a 28 43 71 b 36 20 56 b 13 56 69 */