日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:20683 次
if not object_id('tb') is null drop table tb Go Create table tb([name] nvarchar(3),[score] int) Insert tb select N'张三',213 union all select N'张三',32 union all select N'李四',32 union all select N'李四',54 union all select N'李四',321 union all select N'王小三',2 union all select N'王小三',32 union all select N'王小三',32 Go ;with tmp1 as ( select rownum=row_number()over(partition by [name] order by getdate()), * from tb ),tmp2 as( select b.name, row_number()over(partition by b.name order by (getdate()))rownum, null col1, null col2 from master..spt_values a , (select [name], count(*)+1 px from tb group by [Name])b where a.type='P' and number<b.px ) select a.name, a.Score from tmp2 b left join tmp1 a on a.rownum=b.rownum and a.name=b.name /* name Score ---- ----------- 王小三 2 王小三 32 王小三 32 NULL NULL 李四 32 李四 54 李四 321 NULL NULL 张三 213 张三 32 NULL NULL (11 row(s) affected) */