日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:20745 次
create FUNCTION fn_GetPNumPPInfoState (@PNum varchar(30)) RETURNS varchar(1000) AS BEGIN Declare @s varchar(8000) Set @s='' Declare @Product varchar(1000) Declare @PartsName varchar(100) Declare @PPItem varchar(100) Declare @StatusDes varchar(100) declare @mytb table(id int identity(1,1), Product varchar(500), PartsName varchar(500), PPItem varchar(100), StatusDes varchar(250)) insert into @mytb(Product,PartsName,PPItem,StatusDes) select distinct PnumPrintInfo.Product,case when PNumPrintInfo.PartsName='' then PNumPrintInfo.Product else PNumPrintInfo.PartsName end PartsName , '印刷' as PPItem,IsNull(PlanArrage.StatusDes,'未排程') as StatusDes from (select * from PNumPrintInfo where PNumPrintInfo.PNum=@PNum) as PNumPrintInfo left join (select * from PlanArrage where PlanArrage.PNum=@PNum) as PlanArrage on PlanArrage.PNum=PNumPrintInfo.PNum and PlanArrage.ProductName=PNumPrintInfo.Product and PlanArrage.JSName='印刷' --where PNumPrintInfo.PNum=@PNum union all Select distinct PNumPPInfo.Product,case when PNumPPInfo.PartsName='' then PNumPPInfo.Product else PNumPPInfo.PartsName end PartsName, PPItem,IsNull(PlanArrage.StatusDes,'未排程') as StatusDes from (select * from PNumPPInfo where PNumPPInfo.PNum=@PNum) as PNumPPInfo left join (select * from PlanArrage where PlanArrage.PNum=@PNum) as PlanArrage on PlanArrage.PNum=PNumPPInfo.PNum --and PlanArrage.PNum=@PNum and PlanArrage.ProductName=PNumPPInfo.Product and (PlanArrage.JSName=PNumPPInfo.TechReq or PlanArrage.JSName=PNumPPInfo.PPItem) --where PNumPPInfo.PNum=@PNum declare @i int set @i=-1 while exists(select 1 from @mytb where id>@i) begin select top 1 @Product=Product,@PartsName=PartsName, @PPItem=PPItem,@StatusDes=StatusDes from @mytb where id>@i order by id desc if @s<>'' and @PPItem<>'' set @s=@s+'、' if @PPItem<>'' set @s=@s+@PartsName++'('+@PPItem+@StatusDes+')' --FETCH NEXT FROM ppCursor --into @Product,@PartsName,@PPItem,@StatusDes end Return @s END
select Product,PartsName,PPItem,StatusDes,(直接计算成@s) from (select Product,PartsName,PPItem,StatusDes from table union all Select Product,PartsName,PPItem,StatusDes from table) a --肯定快很多
尽量不要在select 里面嵌套select, 还有不要重复code
page number 是不是数字类型, 如果不是,请换成数据类型,
尽量不要用tem table,
select distinct PnumPrintInfo.Product, case when PNumPrintInfo.PartsName='' then PNumPrintInfo.Product else PNumPrintInfo.PartsName end PartsName , '印刷' as PPItem, IsNull(PlanArrage.StatusDes,'未排程') as StatusDes from PNumPrintInfo as PNumPrintInfo left join PlanArrage as PlanArrage on PlanArrage.PNum=PNumPrintInfo.PNum and PlanArrage.ProductName=PNumPrintInfo.Product and PlanArrage.JSName='印刷 and PNumPrintInfo.PNum=@PNum