日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:20663 次
create table test001 ( id int IDENTITY(1,1), a int , b numeric(10,2), c as a*b ) go select name,case when colstat &1=1 then '标志列' when colstat &4=4 then '计算列' else '一般列' end as 属性 from syscolumns where id=object_id('test001') --结果 name 属性 -------------------------------------------------------- ------ id 标志列 a 一般列 b 一般列 c 计算列 (所影响的行数为 4 行)
--> 2000中模拟2005的sys.identity_columns select object_name(id) as table_name, ident_seed(object_name(id)) as seed_value, ident_incr(object_name(id)) as increment_value, ident_current(object_name(id)) as last_value, * from syscolumns where objectproperty(id, 'IsUserTable') = 1 and status = 0x80 --> 2000中模拟2005的sys.computed_columns select object_name(a.id) as table_name, b.text as definition, a.* from syscolumns a join syscomments b on a.id = b.id where objectproperty(a.id, 'IsUserTable') = 1 and a.iscomputed = 1
create table T(ID int identity,Col1 int,Col2 as ID+COl1) go select Name as 列名, case when iscomputed=1 then '计算列' when status=0x80 then '标识列' else '一般列' end as 属性 from syscolumns where ID=object_id('T') 列名 属性 -------------------------------------------------------- ------ ID 标识列 Col1 一般列 Col2 计算列 (所影响的行数为 3 行)
/* 谢谢1楼和3楼以及2楼精神上的支持,那如何得到计算列的定义呢?比如在三楼举的例子中如何知道列b是被定义为numeric(10,2)的呢? */ --> 参考。未尽之处自己改或加 when... select table_name = object_name(a.id), column_name = a.name, data_type_definition = b.name + case when b.name in ('char', 'varchar', 'binary','varbinary') then '('+ltrim(a.length)+')' when b.name in ('nchar', 'nvarchar') then '('+ltrim(a.length/2)+')' when b.name in ('decimal','numeric','float','real') then '('+ltrim(a.xp