日期:2014-05-17  浏览次数:20677 次

SQL code
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tb_1](
    [id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    [bianhao] [varchar](50) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL,
    [col] [varchar](50) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL,    
    [jiedian] [int] NULL)
insert into tb_1 (bianhao,col,jiedian) 
select 2,'a1',1 Union all 
select 2,'a3',2 Union all 
select 2,'a3',1 Union all 
select 2,'a3',4 Union all
select 2,'a5',1 Union all 
select 2,'a8',2 Union all 
select 2,'a8',3  

bianhao是固定的,就是每次查询都是固定的一个值,col取值范围 a1-a100,jiedian 取值范围 1-4.现在给定bianhao,和col,要求查出col有且jiedian=1或者col 不存在的col值是哪些.比如bianhao=2,col 为'a1','a4'时结果是'a1','a4';col为'a2','a8'时'a2'
SQL code

select distinct col from tb_1 where bianhao=2 and col in('a1','a4') and jiedian=1 
Union all 
select case when not exists(select 1 from tb_1  where col='a1'  and bianhao=2) then 'a1' end as col 
Union all 
select case when not exists(select 1 from tb_1  where col='a4' and bianhao=2) then 'a4' end as col 

SQL code
declare @s varchar(20),@sql varchar(8000)
set @s='a2,a8'
select @sql='select '''+replace(@s,',',''' as col union select ''')+''''

set @sql='select distinct a.col from ('+@sql+') a join tb_1 b 
on (not exists(select 1 from tb_1 where col=a.col and jiedian!=1) and a.col=b.col)
or not exists(select 1 from tb_1 where col=a.col)'

exec (@sql)

SQL code

declare @s varchar(100)
set @s='a1,a4'--参数在此替换
set @s=@s+','
;with cte as (
    select col=substring(@s,1,charindex(',',@s)-1),i=charindex(',',@s)
    union all
    select substring(@s,cte.i+1,charindex(',',@s,cte.i+1)-cte.i-1),i=charindex(',',@s,cte.i+1)
    from cte
    where charindex(',',@s,cte.i+1)>0
select a.col from cte a
full join tb_1 b on a.col=b.col
where (b.jiedian =1 and a.col is not null) or b.col is null