日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:20677 次
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tb_1]( [id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [bianhao] [varchar](50) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL, [col] [varchar](50) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL, [jiedian] [int] NULL) go insert into tb_1 (bianhao,col,jiedian) select 2,'a1',1 Union all select 2,'a3',2 Union all select 2,'a3',1 Union all select 2,'a3',4 Union all select 2,'a5',1 Union all select 2,'a8',2 Union all select 2,'a8',3 go
select distinct col from tb_1 where bianhao=2 and col in('a1','a4') and jiedian=1 Union all select case when not exists(select 1 from tb_1 where col='a1' and bianhao=2) then 'a1' end as col Union all select case when not exists(select 1 from tb_1 where col='a4' and bianhao=2) then 'a4' end as col
declare @s varchar(20),@sql varchar(8000) set @s='a2,a8' select @sql='select '''+replace(@s,',',''' as col union select ''')+'''' set @sql='select distinct a.col from ('+@sql+') a join tb_1 b on (not exists(select 1 from tb_1 where col=a.col and jiedian!=1) and a.col=b.col) or not exists(select 1 from tb_1 where col=a.col)' exec (@sql)
declare @s varchar(100) set @s='a1,a4'--参数在此替换 set @s=@s+',' ;with cte as ( select col=substring(@s,1,charindex(',',@s)-1),i=charindex(',',@s) union all select substring(@s,cte.i+1,charindex(',',@s,cte.i+1)-cte.i-1),i=charindex(',',@s,cte.i+1) from cte where charindex(',',@s,cte.i+1)>0 ) select a.col from cte a full join tb_1 b on a.col=b.col where (b.jiedian =1 and a.col is not null) or b.col is null