日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:20681 次
select a,b,max(c) as c ,identity(int,1,1) as id into #t from bd_info group by b ,a select * from #t t1 where id = ( select top 1 t2.id from #t t2 where t2.c=( select max(t3.c) from #t t3 where t2.a=t3.a ) and t1.a=t2.a )
if object_id('[tb]') is not null drop table [tb] go create table [tb]([a] int,[b] int,[c] int) insert [tb] select 1,2,3 union all select 1,1,1 union all select 2,2,1 union all select 2,1,2 union all select 3,1,1 union all select 3,2,3 union all select 3,1,2 union all select 3,1,3 select * from tb t where not exists(select 1 from tb where a=t.a and (c>t.c or c=t.c and b>t.b)) /** a b c ----------- ----------- ----------- 1 2 3 2 1 2 3 2 3 (3 行受影响) **/
-------------------------------------- -- Author : htl258(Tony) -- Date : 2010-04-18 09:46:23 -- Version:Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (RTM) - 10.0.1600.22 (Intel X86) -- Jul 9 2008 14:43:34 -- Copyright (c) 1988-2008 Microsoft Corporation -- Developer Edition on Windows NT 5.1 <X86> (Build 2600: Service Pack 2) -------------------------------------- --> 生成测试数据表:tb IF NOT OBJECT_ID('[tb]') IS NULL DROP TABLE [tb] GO CREATE TABLE [tb]([a] INT,[b] INT,[c] INT) INSERT [tb] SELECT 1,2,3 UNION ALL SELECT 1,1,1 UNION ALL SELECT 2,2,1 UNION ALL SELECT 2,1,2 UNION ALL SELECT 3,1,1 UNION ALL SELECT 3,2,3 UNION ALL SELECT 3,1,2 UNION ALL SELECT 3,1,3 GO --SELECT * FROM [tb] -->SQL查询如下: SELECT A,B,C FROM (SELECT RN=ROW_NUMBER()OVER(PARTITION BY A ORDER BY C DESC,B DESC),* FROM TB) T WHERE RN=1\/* a b c ----------- ----------- ----------- 1 2 3 2 1 2 3 2 3 (3 行受影响) */
declare @temp_table table(a int,b int,c int) insert into @temp_table select a,b,max(c) as c from bd_info group by b,a select * from @temp_table t where not exists(select 1 from @temp_table where a=t.a and (c=t.c and b>t.b or c>t.c))