日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:20496 次
declare @t table([col] varchar(18)) insert @t select '110227197001020001' union all select '11022719700102000X' union all select '11022719700102000Y' union all select '1102271970010200XX' union all select '11022719700102X00X' union all select '110227197001020Y0Y' select * from @t -- 长度不等于18 ,也可以判断一下15 where len([col])<>18 or -- 最后一位不是数字和XY (right(col,1) not in ('X','Y') AND isnumeric(right(col,1))=0) or -- 前6位是数字 isnumeric(left(col,6))=0 or -- 中间8位是时间 isdate(substring(col,7,8))=0 or --时间后面3位是数字 isnumeric(substring(col,15,3))=0 /* col ------------------ 1102271970010200XX 11022719700102X00X 110227197001020Y0Y */
WITH t AS (SELECT '110227197001020001' a FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT '11022719700102000X' FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT '11022719700102000Y' FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT '1102271970010200XX' FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT '11022719700102X00X' FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT '110227197001020Y0Y' FROM dual )
WHERE length(regexp_replace(lower(t.a),'[a-z]',''))<=length(t.a)-2
if object_id('t') is not null drop table t go create table test(id varchar(20)) go insert into test select '110227197001020001' union all select '11022719700102000X' union all select '11022719700102000Y' union all select '1102271970010200XX' union all select '11022719700102X00X' union all select '110227197001020Y0Y' go --第一步 需要用function来实现 if object_id('dbo.fn_validateID') is not null drop function dbo.fn_validateID go create function dbo.fn_validateID(@s nvarchar(20)) returns int as begin declare @i int set @i=0 while PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%',@s) > 0 begin set @s = STUFF(@s,PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%',@s),1,N'') set @i=@i+1 end return @i end select id from ( select id,dbo.fn_validateID(id) cnt from test ) t where t.cnt>1 --第二步 select * from test where substring(id,7,4)<1900 or substring(id,7,4)>year(getdate())+1 or substring(id,11,2)<1 or substring(id,11,2)>12 or substring(id,13,2)<1 or substring(id,13,2)>31
WITH t AS (SELECT '110227197001020001' a FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT '11022719700102000X' FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT '11022719700102000Y' FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT '1102271970010200XX' FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT '11022719700102X00X' FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT '110227197001020Y0Y' FROM dual )
WHERE length(regexp_replace(lower(t.a),'[a-z]',''))<=length(t.a)-2
IF OBJECT_ID('tblCard') Is Not Null Drop Table tblCard GO Create Table tblCard(CardID Varchar(18), CharVaild Bit, DateVaild Bit, IsVaild Bit) GO Insert Into tblCard(CardID) Select '110227197001020001' Union All Select '11022719700102000X' Union All Select '11022719700102000Y' Union All Select '1102271970010200XX' Union All Select '11022719700102X00X' Union All Select '110227197001020Y0Y' Union All Select '11022719700133X00X' Union All Select '11022719700132000Y' GO IF OBJECT_ID('GetCharInStrCount') Is Not Null Drop Function GetCharInStrCount GO Create Function GetCharInStrCount(@Value Varchar(100