日期:2014-05-17  浏览次数:20696 次

sql分页 翻页的优化??
前台是extjs 后台c# 接收前台的start 和limit参数 进行分页 翻页
SQL code

select top " + limit + " * from View_jydhwxx where fgsbm in (" + fgsbm + ")  and jhrq  >= '" + jdsj1 + "' and jhrq  <= '" + jdsj2 + "' and jydbh not in(select top " + start + " jydbh from View_jydhwxx where fgsbm in (" + fgsbm + ") and jhrq  >= '" + jdsj1 + "' and jhrq  <= '" + jdsj2 + "' order by jydbh desc) order by jydbh desc

以上的语句是没有问题的 速度也还可以接受 ,但是 现在我又在上面的语句中加入了一个条件 dzzbm in ("+result+") 如 dzzbm in (001,002,003,004,005,006,007....)
SQL code
select top " + limit + " * from View_jydhwxx where fgsbm in (" + fgsbm + ") and dzzbm in ("+result+") and jhrq  >= '" + jdsj1 + "' and jhrq  <= '" + jdsj2 + "' and jydbh not in(select top " + start + " jydbh from View_jydhwxx where fgsbm in (" + fgsbm + ") and dzzbm in ("+result+") and jhrq  >= '" + jdsj1 + "' and jhrq  <= '" + jdsj2 + "' order by jydbh desc) order by jydbh desc

现在问题来了 速度很慢  

C# code

string sql="select * from (
    select row_number() over(order by name) rn,* from View_jydhwxx where fgsbm 
        in (" + fgsbm + ")  and jhrq  >= '" + jdsj1 + "' and jhrq  <= '" + jdsj2 + "'
        order by jydbh desc) t
    where rn between " + start + " and " + start+limit;