日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:20525 次
select * from tb t where datetime=(select max(datetime) from tb where bookid=t.bookid)
select * from tb t where [datetime]=(select max([datetime]) from tb where bookid=t.bookid)
select A.* from TB A where not exists(select 1 from TB B where A.booksid = B.booksid and A.datetime <B.datetime)
select b.booksid,b.datetime from table as b join
select booksid,max(datetime) from table as A group by booksid) as c
on b.booksid=c.booksid and b.datetime=c.datetime
select b.booksid,b.datetime from table as b join
select booksid,max(datetime)as datetime from table as A group by booksid) as c
on b.booksid=c.booksid and b.datetime=c.datetime
create table ny (booksid int,dt time) insert into ny select 1, '10:00:00' union all select 1, '12:00:00' union all select 2, '07:00:00' union all select 2, '11:00:00' select booksid,dt from (select *,row_number() over(partition by booksid order by dt desc) rn from ny) y where rn=1 /* booksid dt ----------- ---------------- 1 12:00:00.0000000 2 11:00:00.0000000 (2 row(s) affected) */