日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:20595 次
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[cs] @id int,@xm varchar(50),@bday DateTime,@tel varchar(50),@qq varchar(50) AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; update table1 set xm=@xm where id=@id and xm is null update table1 set bday=@bday where id=@id and bday is null update table1 set tel=@tel where id=@id and tel is null update table1 set qq=@qq where id=@id and qq is null END
update table1 set xm=isnull(xm,@xm), bday=isnull(bday,@bday), tel=isnull(tel,@tel), qq=isnull(qq,@qq), where id=@id
UPDATE table1 SET xm = ISNULL(xm, @xm), bday = ISNULL(bday, @bday), tel = ISNULL(tel, @tel), qq = ISNULL(qq, @qq) WHERE id = @id
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[cs] (@id int, @xm varchar(50), @bday DateTime, @tel varchar(50), @qq varchar(50)) AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; declare @sql varchar(6000) select @sql='update table1 set ' select @sql=@sql+case when xm is null then ' xm='''+@xm+''',' end +case when bday is null then ' bday='''+convert(varchar(30),@bday,120)+''',' end +case when tel is null then ' tel='''+@tel+''',' end +case when qq is null then ' xm='''+@qq+''',' end from table1 where id=@id select @sql=left(@sql,len(@sql)-1)+' where id='+rtrim(@id) exec(@sql) END