日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:20601 次
create proc [dbo].[BS_JydHwxx_query1] @sxhh char(10)='', @fhrxm char(20)='', @fhrdh char(20)='', @shrxm char(20)='', @shrdh char(20)='', @sdz char(20)='', @zdz char(20)='', @hwmc char(20) ='', @js int, @zdr char(20) ='', @jdsj1 smalldatetime, @jdsj2 smalldatetime, @jydzt char(10)='', @jdzz char(10)='', @fgsbm char(10)='' as BEGIN DECLARE @sql AS Varchar(1000) [color=#FF0000]SET @sql = 'select top 50 * from view_jydhwxx where 1=1 '[/color] 如何将以上这条语句用下面的这条替换 "select top " + limit + " * from View_jydhwxx where fgsbm in (" + fgsbm + ") and dzzbm in ("+result+") and jydbh not in(select top " + start + " jydbh from View_jydhwxx where fgsbm in (" + fgsbm + ") and dzzbm in ("+result+") order by jydbh desc) order by jydbh desc"; if @sxhh <>'' begin set @sql= @sql+N' and sxhh like '+'''%'+rtrim(@sxhh)+'%''' end if @fhrxm <>'' begin set @sql =@sql +N' and fhrxm like '+'''%'+rtrim(@fhrxm)+'%''' end if @fhrdh <>'' begin set @sql =@sql +N' and fhrdh like '+'''%'+rtrim(@fhrdh)+'%''' end if @shrxm <>'' begin set @sql =@sql +N' and shrxm like '+'''%'+rtrim(@shrxm)+'%''' end if @shrdh <>'' begin set @sql =@sql +N' and shrdh like '+'''%'+rtrim(@shrdh)+'%''' end if @sdz <>'' begin set @sql=@sql+N' and sdz like '+'''%'+rtrim(@sdz)+'%''' end if @zdz <>'' begin set @sql=@sql+N' and zdz like '+'''%'+rtrim(@zdz)+'%''' end if @hwmc <>'' begin set @sql=@sql+N' and hwlxmc like '+'''%'+rtrim(@hwmc)+'%''' end if @js <> 0 begin set @sql =@sql +N' and jshj ='+''''+rtrim(@js)+'''' end if @zdr <>'' begin set @sql=@sql+N' and zdr like '+'''%'+rtrim(@zdr)+'%''' end if @jdsj1 <>'' and @jdsj2 <>'' begin set @sql=@sql +N' and jhrq >= '+''''+CONVERT(VARCHAR(50),@jdsj1,121)+'''' +N' and jhrq <= '+''''+CONVERT(VARCHAR(50),@jdsj2,121)+'''' end if @jydzt<>'05' begin set @sql=@sql+N' and jydzt = '+''''+rtrim(@jydzt)+'''' end if @fgsbm<>'' begin set @sql=@sql+N' and fgsbm in '+'('+rtrim(@fgsbm)+')'--去掉'' end EXEC(@sql) end
create proc sp_test ( @value1 int = null, @value2 int = null ) as begin select * from table where ((@value1 is null) or (table.Value1 = @value1)) and ((@value2 is null) or (table.Value2 = @value2)) end
楼主的编程很规范,值得称赞,不过有点繁琐,可以使用case when 来实现,比如:
select * from xxx
where case when @a<>'' then 拼接字符串 else '' end 等等,详细可以看我的文章: