日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20548 次
create table t1(docentry int,cardcode varchar(10),docdate date,docduedate date); insert into t1 values (1 ,'A001' ,'2012-01-01' ,'2012-03-25') ,(2 ,'A001' ,'2012-03-27' ,'2012-03-31') ,(3 ,'B001' ,'2012-05-01' ,'2012-05-07') ,(4 ,'C001' ,'2012-05-20' ,'2012-06-15'); create table t2(docentry int,itemcode varchar(100),price int); insert into t2 values (1,'ak-530', 10) ,(1, 'ak-cc', 8) ,(2, 'ak-530', 99) ,(3, 'mp-a52' ,7) ,(4, 'ak-530' ,25); -- 假设这里只有三种类型 select itemcode ,sum(case when cardcode='A001' then price else 0 end) as A001 ,max(case when cardcode='A001' then docdate else '' end) as A001docdate ,max(case when cardcode='A001' then docduedate else '' end) as A001docduedate ,sum(case when cardcode='B001' then price else 0 end) as B001 ,max(case when cardcode='B001' then docdate else '' end) as B001docdate ,max(case when cardcode='B001' then docduedate else '' end) as B001docduedate ,sum(case when cardcode='C001' then price else 0 end) as C001 ,max(case when cardcode='C001' then docdate else '' end) as C001docdate ,max(case when cardcode='C001' then docduedate else '' end) as C001docduedate from t2 a join (select * from t1 x where not exists(select 1 from t1 where cardcode=x.cardcode and docdate>x.docdate)) b on a.docentry=b.docentry group by itemcode /* itemcode A001 A001docdate A001docduedate B001 B001docdate B001docduedate C001 C001docdate C001docduedate ------------ ----------- ----------- -------------- ----------- ----------- -------------- ----------- ----------- -------------- ak-530 99 2012-03-27 2012-03-31 0 1900-01-01 1900-01-01 25 2012-05-20 2012-06-15 mp-a52 0 1900-01-01 1900-01-01 7 2012-05-01 2012-05-07 0 1900-01-01 1900-01-01 */
if object_id('[tb1]') is not null drop table [tb1] go create table [tb1]([docentry] int,[cardcode] varchar(4),[docdate] datetime,[docduedate] datetime) insert [tb1] select 1,'A001','2012-01-01','2012-03-25' union all select 2,'A001','2012-03-27','2012-03-31' union all select 3,'B001','2012-05-01','2012-05-07' union all select 4,'C001','2012-05-20','2012-06-15' go if object_id('[tb2]') is not null drop table [tb2] go create table [tb2]([docentry] int,[itemcode] varchar(6),[price] int) insert [tb2] select 1,'ak-530',10 union all select 1,'ak-cc',8 union all select 2,'ak-530',99 union all select 3,'mp-a52',7 union all select 4,'ak-530',25 go declare @sql varchar(8000) select @sql=isnull(@sql+',','') +'max(case when a.cardcode='''+cardcode+''' then a.docdate end) as [docdate'+cardcode+'],' +'max(case when a.cardcode='''+cardcode+''' then a.docduedate end) as [docduedate'+cardcode+'],' +'max(case when a.cardcode='''+cardcode+''' then b.price end) as ['+cardcode+']' from (select distinct cardcode from tb1) t set @sql='select b.itemcode,'+@sql +' from tb1 a join tb2 b on a.docentry=b.docentry' +' where not exists(select 1 from tb1 where cardcode=a.cardcode and docdate>a.docdate)' +' group by b.itemcode' exec (@sql) /*