日期:2014-05-18  浏览次数:20433 次



客户 账号 账号创建日期
cuno cano cadt
001 afasdfasdf 20110101
001 dfdsddfifp 20120201
002 sergsfdsfs 20100101
002 wqdfsdfdf 20110101
003 ueoeijfadf 20100101
003 fyadssvvdf 20110101
003 fiadafasdf 20120201

001 afasdfasdf 20110101
002 sergsfdsfs 20100101
003 ueoeijfadf 20100101

select * from tb as t
where not exists(select 1 from tb where 客户=t.客户 and 创建日期<t.创建日期)
SQL code
select  *  from  T a where exists (select cuno ,min(cadt)
  from T  group by cuno where a.cuno =cuno)

SQL code
select * from tb as t
where 创建日期=(select min(创建日期) from tb where 客户=t.客户 )

SQL code

select cuno,cano,cadt from tb t
where cadt=(select min(cadt) from tb where cuno=t.cuno )

select * from tb  t
where not exists(select 1 from tb where cuno=t.cuno  and cadt<t.cadt )