日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20597 次
set rsc=server.createobject("adodb.recordset") rsc.open "select * from test where qid="&ID&" and TID="&TID ,conn,1,1 If Not rsc.EOF and Not rsc.bof Then do while not rsc.eof Response.Write rsc("txet") rsc.movenext loop end if rsc.close :set rsc=nothing
--> 测试数据:[tb] IF OBJECT_ID('[tb]') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE [tb] GO CREATE TABLE [tb]([id] INT,[qid] INT,[tid] INT,[text] VARCHAR(4)) INSERT [tb] SELECT 1,0,3,'asp' UNION ALL SELECT 2,1,3,'php' UNION ALL SELECT 3,1,3,'aspx' UNION ALL SELECT 4,1,3,'js' UNION ALL SELECT 5,2,3,'jsp' UNION ALL SELECT 6,2,3,'html' GO --> 测试语句: SELECT * FROM [tb] as a where (select count(*) from tb where [qid]=a.[qid] and [id]<=a.[id])<=2 /* id qid tid text ----------- ----------- ----------- ---- 1 0 3 asp 2 1 3 php 3 1 3 aspx 5 2 3 jsp 6 2 3 html (5 行受影响) */
SELECT * FROM [tb] as a where (select count(1) from tb where [qid]=a.[qid] and [id]<=a.[id] and a.[qid]=[id])<=2