日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20768 次
declare @采购表 table([合同号] int,[应付款] int) insert @采购表 select 1,10 union all select 1,10 union all select 2,20 declare @付款表 table([合同号] int,[实付款] int) insert @付款表 select 1,15 union all select 2,10 union all select 2,10 declare @合同表 table([合同号] int,[欠款] int) insert @合同表 select 1,5 union all select 2,0 ;with a as ( select *,row_number() over (partition by [合同号] order by (select 1)) as id from @采购表 ),b as ( select *,row_number() over (partition by [合同号] order by (select 1)) as id from @付款表 ),c as ( select *,row_number() over (partition by [合同号] order by (select 1)) as id from @合同表 ) select isnull(a.合同号,b.合同号) as 合同号, isnull(ltrim(a.应付款),'[]') as 应付款, isnull(ltrim(b.[实付款]),'[]') as 实付款, isnull(ltrim(c.[欠款]),'[]') as 欠款 from a full join b on a.合同号=b.合同号 and a.id=b.id full join c on b.合同号=c.合同号 and b.id=c.id order by 1,3 desc /* 合同号 应付款 实付款 欠款 ----------- ------------ ------------ ------------ 1 10 15 5 1 10 [] [] 2 20 10 0 2 [] 10 [] */
declare @采购表 table([合同号] int,[应付款] int) insert @采购表 select 1,10 union all select 1,10 union all select 2,20 declare @付款表 table([合同号] int,[实付款] int) insert @付款表 select 1,15 union all select 2,10 union all select 2,10 declare @合同表 table([合同号] int,[欠款] int) insert @合同表 select 1,5 union all select 2,0 ;WITH t1 AS ( SELECT [合同号],[应付款],RN=ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY [合同号] ORDER BY GETDATE()) FROM @采购表 ), t2 AS ( SELECT [合同号],[实付款],RN=ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY [合同号] ORDER BY GETDATE()) FROM @付款表 ), t3 AS ( SELECT [合同号],[欠款],RN=ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY [合同号] ORDER BY GETDATE()) FROM @合同表 ) SELECT CASE WHEN t1.合同号 IS NULL THEN t2.合同号 ELSE t1.合同号 END 合同号, ISNULL(RTRIM(应付款),'') AS 应付款, ISNULL(RTRIM(实付款),'') AS 实付款, ISNULL(RTRIM(欠款),'') AS 欠款 FROM t1 FULL OUTER JOIN t2 ON t1.合同号 = t2.合同号 AND t1.RN = t2.RN FULL OUTER JOIN t3 ON t2.合同号 = t3.合同号 AND t2.RN = t3.RN ORDER BY 合同号 合同号 应付款 实付款 欠款 1 10 15 5 1 10 2 20 10 0 2 10