日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20516 次
------------------------ /****** 建表 ******/ ------------------------ if object_id('p') is not null drop table p go create table p( name nvarchar(20) not null, ver nvarchar(20) not null, active bit null, constraint [pk_p] primary key(name,ver) ) go ------------------------ /****** 建触发器 ******/ ------------------------ create trigger p_upd on p for update as if update(active) and (select count(1) from inserted)>1 begin rollback tran; raiserror('每次只能更新一条',11,1); return; end if update(active) begin update p set active=0 from inserted i where i.name=p.name and i.ver<>p.ver and isnull(i.active,0)=1; end go ------------------------ /****** 测试数据 ******/ ------------------------ insert into p values('p1','a',0); insert into p values('p1','b',1); insert into p values('p1','c',0); go ------------------------
if update(active) and (select count(1) from inserted)>1 begin rollback tran; raiserror('每次只能更新一条',11,1); return; end
第一个问题 update p set name='p2',ver='f',active=1 where name='p1' and ver='c' select * from p --下面这样的算不算? /* name ver active -------------------- -------------------- ------ p1 a 0 p1 b 1 p2 f 1 (3 行受影响) */ --如果对,要避免的话 把 and isnull(i.active,0)=1; --去掉,因为一次只能更新一行,那么它跟定的把0的更新成1才会出现两行 --所以你只需要把更新的那一行在更新一遍(更新为0),就行了。
------------------------ /****** 建触发器 ******/ ------------------------ ALTER trigger p_upd on p for update,INSERT as if update(active) and (select count(1) from inserted)>1 begin rollback tran; raiserror('每次只能更新一条',11,1); return; end if update(active) begin update p set active=0 from inserted i where i.name=p.name and i.ver<>p.ver and isnull(i.active,0)=1; end go