日期:2014-05-18  浏览次数:20673 次


syxh ssxh ssdm ssrq ssmc
1 1 a11 20120101 手术1
1 2 a22 20120101 手术2 
1 3 a33 20120102 手术3
1 4 a44 20120102 手术4
1 5 a55 20120103 手术5
2 1 a11 20120101 手术1
2 2 a66 20120101 手术6
2 3 a77 20120102 手术7
2 4 a44 20120102 手术4

现在怎么才能把ssrq不同的第一个 ssrq ssmc 取出来

syxh ssrq1 ssmc1 ssrq2 ssmc2 ssrq3 ssmc3  
1 20120101 手术1 20120102 手术3 20120103 手术5
2 20120101 手术1 20120102 手术7 null null
琢磨一下午了 都没琢磨出来 


SQL code
if object_id('[tb]') is not null drop table [tb]
create table [tb]([syxh] int,[ssxh] int,[ssdm] varchar(3),[ssrq] datetime,[ssmc] varchar(5))
insert [tb]
select 1,1,'a11','20120101','手术1' union all
select 1,2,'a22','20120101','手术2' union all
select 1,3,'a33','20120102','手术3' union all
select 1,4,'a44','20120102','手术4' union all
select 1,5,'a55','20120103','手术5' union all
select 2,1,'a11','20120101','手术1' union all
select 2,2,'a66','20120101','手术6' union all
select 2,3,'a77','20120102','手术7' union all
select 2,4,'a44','20120102','手术4'

select * into #
from tb t 
where not exists(select 1 from tb where syxh=t.syxh and ssrq=t.ssrq and ssxh<t.ssxh)

select * from #

declare @sql varchar(8000)
select @sql=isnull(@sql+',','')
  +'max(case when px='+ltrim(px)+' then ssrq end) as [ssrq'+ltrim(px)+'],'
  +'max(case when px='+ltrim(px)+' then ssmc end) as [ssmc'+ltrim(px)+']'
(select distinct px=(select count(1) from # where syxh=a.syxh and ssxh<=a.ssxh) from # a) b

exec ('select syxh,'
  +' from (select *,px=(select count(1) from # where syxh=a.syxh and ssxh<=a.ssxh) from # a) b'
  +' group by syxh'
syxh        ssrq1                   ssmc1 ssrq2                   ssmc2 ssrq3                   ssmc3
----------- ----------------------- ----- ----------------------- ----- ----------------------- -----
1           2012-01-01 00:00:00.000 手术1   2012-01-02 00:00:00.000 手术3   2012-01-03 00:00:00.000 手术5
2           2012-01-01 00:00:00.000 手术1   2012-01-02 00:00:00.000 手术7   NULL                    NULL

(2 行受影响)