日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20635 次
select cast(convert(varchar(8),dateadd(dd,num-1,'20120601'),112) as int) as f_date into ta from (select top 1000 num=row_number() over(order by getdate()) from sys.objects,sys.columns)t where dateadd(dd,num-1,'20120601')<='20120630' go if object_id('[tb]') is not null drop table [tb] go create table [tb]([instance_id] varchar(3),[start_date] int,[end_date] int,[ini_investment] numeric(10,3)) insert [tb] select 'AAA','20120601','20120627',1000000.000 go if object_id('[tc]') is not null drop table [tc] go create table [tc]([instance_id] varchar(3),[code] int,[trade_date] int,[trade_type] int,[Amount] numeric(9,3)) insert [tc] select 'AAA',600048,'20120607',0,333329.920 union all select 'AAA',600383,'20120611',0,333331.050 union all select 'AAA',600383,'20120625',2,302125.590 go ;with cte as( select a.f_date,b.instance_id,b.ini_investment,c.AMOUNT from ta a join tb b on a.f_date between b.start_date and b.end_date left join tc c on b.instance_id=c.instance_id and a.f_date=c.trade_date ) select f_date,instance_id,ini_investment, balance=ini_investment-isnull((select sum(AMOUNT) from cte where instance_id=t.instance_id and f_date<=t.f_date),0) from cte t /** f_date instance_id ini_investment balance ----------- ----------- --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- 20120601 AAA 1000000.000 1000000.000 20120602 AAA 1000000.000 1000000.000 20120603 AAA 1000000.000 1000000.000 20120604 AAA 1000000.000 1000000.000 20120605 AAA 1000000.000 1000000.000 20120606 AAA 1000000.000 1000000.000 20120607 AAA 1000000.000 666670.080 20120608 AAA 1000000.000 666670.080 20120609 AAA 1000000.000 666670.080 20120610 AAA 1000000.000 666670.080 20120611 AAA 1000000.000 3