日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20751 次
declare @table table([id] int ,[name] varchar(10),price numeric(12,2),beginDate datetime,endDate datetime) declare @tableDetail table([id] int,[fid] int,price numeric(12,2),beginDate datetime,endDate datetime) insert into @table(id,name,price,beginDate,endDate) select 1,'张三',0.00,'2012-07-01','2012-08-31' insert into @tableDetail(id,fid,price,beginDate,endDate) select 1,1,10.00,'2012-07-05','2012-07-10' union all select 2,1,10.00,'2012-07-08','2012-07-20' union all select 3,1,10.00,'2012-07-25','2012-07-31' union all select 4,1,10.00,'2012-08-01','2012-08-20' union all select 5,1,10.00,'2012-08-08','2012-08-15' 想查到下面的这样的数据,从7月1号到8月31号每一天都有价格就算是0也有数据出来。 /* name price beginDate endDate ---------- ----------- ------------- ---------- 张三 0.00 2012-07-01 2012-07-04 张三 10.00 2012-07-05 2012-07-07 张三 20.00 2012-07-08 2012-07-20 张三 0.00 2012-07-21 2012-07-24 张三 10.00 2012-07-25 2012-07-31 张三 10.00 2012-08-01 2012-08-07 张三 20.00 2012-08-08 2012-08-15 张三 10.00 2012-08-16 2012-08-20 张三 0.00 2012-08-21 2012-08-31 */
declare @table table([id] int ,[name] varchar(10),price numeric(12,2),beginDate datetime,endDate datetime) declare @tableDetail table([id] int,[fid] int,price numeric(12,2),beginDate datetime,endDate datetime) insert into @table(id,name,price,beginDate,endDate) select 1,'张三',0.00,'2012-07-01','2012-08-31' UNION select 2,'李四',0.00,'2012-07-01','2012-09-30' insert into @tableDetail(id,fid,price,beginDate,endDate) select 1,1,10.00,'2012-07-01','2012-07-10' union all select 2,1,10.00,'2012-07-02','2012-07-20' union all select 3,1,10.00,'2012-07-02','2012-07-20' union all select 4,1,10.00,'2012-07-20','2012-07-31' union all select 5,1,10.00,'2012-08-01','2012-08-20' UNION all select 6,2,10.00,'2012-07-05','2012-07-10' union all select 7,2,10.00,'2012-07-08','2012-07-20' union all select 8,2,10.00,'2012-07-25','2012-07-31' union all select 9,2,10.00,'2012-08-01','2012-08-20' union all select 10,2,10.00,'2012-08-08','2012-08-15' ; WITH t0 AS ( SELECT fid,SUM(price) AS price,beginDate,endDate FROM @tableDetail GROUP BY fid,beginDate,endDate ), t1 AS ( SELECT DISTINCT A.name,A.BeginDate AS AllDate FROM @table AS A INNER JOIN t0 AS B ON A.id = B.fid UNION ALL SELECT DISTINCT A.name,B.BeginDate FROM @table AS A INNER JOIN t0 AS B ON A.id = B.fid UNION ALL SELECT A.name,B.EndDate FROM @table AS A INNER JOIN t0 AS B ON A.id = B.fid UNION ALL (SELECT A.name,A.endDate FROM @table AS A INNER JOIN t0 AS B ON A.id = B.fid UNION SELECT A.name,DATEADD(DAY,-1,B.BeginDate) FROM @table AS A INNER JOIN t0 AS B ON A.id = B.fid AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM @table AS C INNER JOIN t0 AS D ON C.id = D.fid AND DATEADD(DAY,-1,B.BeginDate) = D.endDate) AND DATEADD(DAY,-1,B.BeginDate) > A.beginDate) UNION ALL SELECT A.name,DATEADD(DAY,1,B.EndDate) FROM @table AS A INNER JOIN t0 AS B ON A.id = B.fid AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM @table AS C INNER JOIN t0 AS D ON C.id = D.fid AND DATEADD(DAY,1,B.endDate) = D.beginDate) AND DATEADD(DAY,1,B.endDate) < A.endDate), t2 AS ( SELECT name,AllDate,RN=ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY name ORDER BY AllDate) FROM t1 ), t3 AS ( SELECT A.name,A.AllDate AS BeginDate,B.AllDate AS EndDate FROM t2 AS A,t2 AS B WHERE A.RN = B.RN - 1 AND A.RN % 2 = 1 AND B.RN % 2 = 0 AND A.name = B.name) SELECT t3.Name, ISNULL(SUM(A.price),0) AS Price, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),t3.beginDate,20) AS beginDate, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),t3.endDate,20) AS endDate FROM t0 AS A INNER JOIN @table AS B ON A.fid = B.id RIGHT OUTER JOIN t3 ON A.beginDa