日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:20929 次
-- Author :DBA_Huangzj(發糞塗牆)
-- Date :2013-11-27 16:43:40
-- Version:
-- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (SP1) - 11.0.3128.0 (X64)
-- Dec 28 2012 20:23:12
-- Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
-- Enterprise Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.2 <X64> (Build 9200: )
--> 测试数据:[huang]
if object_id('[huang]') is not null drop table [huang]
create table [huang]([a] varchar(4),[b] varchar(1),[c] int)
insert [huang]
select '广东','a',1 union all
select '广东','b',3 union all
select '广东','c',10 union all
select '广西','a',5 union all
select '中国','f',9 union all
select '中国','g',8
select *,(SELECT COUNT(1) FROM huang b WHERE huang.a=b.a AND huang.b>=b.b)
from [huang]
a b c
---- ---- ----------- -----------
广东 a 1 1
广东 b 3 2
广东 c 10 3
广西 a 5 1
中国 f 9 1
中国 g 8 2
select id=identity(int,1,1),* into #tb from tb
select *,(select count(1)+1 from #tb where 项目=t.项目 and id<t.id) from #tb t
create table an
(项目 varchar(10),产 varchar(10),价 int)
insert into an
select '广东','a',1 union all
select '广东','b',3 union all
select '广东','c',10 union all
select '广西','a',5 union all
select '中国','f',9 union all
select '中国','g',8
select identity(int,1,1) 'rn',项目,产,价
into #t
from an
select 项目,产,价,
(select count(1) from #t b
where b.rn<=a.rn and b.项目=a.项目) 'rn'
from #t a