这个表的所有字段是 根据 select name from syscolumns where id=(select max(id) from sysobjects where xtype='u' and name='Guanxi2') 得到
-- 判断 触发器是否存在 if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id=object_id(N'[dbo].[Guanxi11]')and OBJECTPROPERTY(id,N'IsTrigger')=1) drop trigger [dbo].Guanxi11 GO
Create Trigger Guanxi11 On Guanxi1 --在Student表中创建触发器 for Delete --为什么事件触发 As Begin if not exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id('Guanxi22'))--判断表是否存在 Begin --不存在创建新表
end --从内存中把删除的数据插入到此表 insert into Guanxi22 ((select name from syscolumns where id=(select max(id) from sysobjects where xtype='u' and name='Guanxi2')) select * from Deleted End
SQL code
select top 0 * into new_table from old_table
select * into newtable from oldtable where 1=2
select * into new_table from old_table
SQL code
SELECT * INTO 新表名称 FROM Guanxi2 WHERE 1>2