日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20720 次
if object_id('tempdb..#t1') is not null drop table #t1 if object_id('tempdb..#t2') is not null drop table #t2 create table #t1(id int,s int,d int) insert into #t1 select 1,1,1 union all select 2,1,2 union all select 3,1,3 union all select 4,2,1 union all select 5,3,1 create table #t2(s int,d int) insert into #t2 select 1,null ------------- select * from #t1 select * from #t2 ------------- 更新t2表的d值,条件是t2.s=t1.s ,但是s有重复,所以想取id最大的 想要的t2结果是: s d 1 3
with t as( select * from t1 a where a.id=(select max(id) from t1 b where a.s=b.s) ) update t2 set t2.d=t1.id from t where t2.s=t1=.s
if object_id('tempdb..#t1') is not null drop table #t1 if object_id('tempdb..#t2') is not null drop table #t2 create table #t1(id int,s int,d int) insert into #t1 select 1,1,1 union all select 2,1,2 union all select 3,1,3 union all select 4,2,1 union all select 5,3,1 create table #t2(s int,d int) insert into #t2 select 1,null ------------- select * from #t1 select * from #t2 update b set d = a.d from #t1 a,#t2 b where a.s = b.s and not exists ( select 1 from #t1 where s=b.s and id > a.id ) select * from #t2 --结果 s d 1 3
update b set d=a.d from t1 as a inner join t2 as b on a.s=b.s where not exists(select 1 from t1 where s=a.s and id>a.id)
或 update b set d=a.d from t1 as a inner join t2 as b on a.s=b.s inner join (select max(ID) as ID,s from t1 group by s)as c on a.ID=c.ID and a.s=c.s