日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20473 次
--> 测试数据:[x_pro] if object_id('[x_pro]') is not null drop table [x_pro] create table [x_pro]( [pro_id] int, [pro_name] varchar(4), [pro_cost] int ) insert [x_pro] select 1,'电视',0 union all select 2,'冰箱',0 --> 测试数据:[x_buy] if object_id('[x_buy]') is not null drop table [x_buy] create table [x_buy]( [buy_id] int, [buy_code] varchar(5), [buy_tally] int ) insert [x_buy] select 1,'B0001',2 union all select 2,'B0002',2 --> 测试数据:[x_buyitem] if object_id('[x_buyitem]') is not null drop table [x_buyitem] create table [x_buyitem]( [item_id] int, [item_amount] int, [item_price] numeric(5,2), [item_pro] int, [item_buy] varchar(5) ) insert [x_buyitem] select 1,5,15.00,1,'B0001' union all select 2,3,10.00,1,'B0001' union all select 3,2,12.00,2,'B0002' --> 测试数据:[x_buyout] if object_id('[x_buyout]') is not null drop table [x_buyout] create table [x_buyout]( [buyout_id] int, [buyout_code] varchar(5), [buyout_tally] int ) insert [x_buyout] select 1,'T0001',2 union all select 2,'T0002',2 --> 测试数据:[x_buyoutitem] if object_id('[x_buyoutitem]') is not null drop table [x_buyoutitem] create table [x_buyoutitem]( [item_id] int, [item_amount] int, [item_price] numeric(4,2), [item_pro] int, [item_buyout] varchar(5) ) insert [x_buyoutitem] select 1,1,15.00,1,'t0001' union all select 2,1,10.00,1,'t0001' union all select 3,1,12.00,2,'t0002' go ;with t as( select a.buy_code, b.item_pro, SUM(b.item_amount) as item_amount, sum(b.item_amount*b.item_price) as total_buy from x_buy a,x_buyitem b where a.buy_code=b.item_buy and a.buy_tally=2 group by a.buy_code, b.item_pro ), m as( select a.buyout_code, b.item_pro, sum(b.item_amount*b.item_price) as total_buy, SUM(b.item_amount) as item_amount from x_buyout a,x_buyoutitem b where a.buyout_code=b.item_buyout and a.buyout_tally=2 group by a.buyout_code, b.item_pro ), n as( select t.item_pro,t.total_buy-m.total_buy/t.item_amount-m.item_amount as [pro_cost] from t inner join m on t.item_pro=m.item_pro ) update [x_pro] set [x_pro].[pro_cost]=n.pro_cost from n where n.item_pro=[x_pro].pro_id select * from [x_pro] /* pro_id pro_name pro_cost 1 电视 99 2 冰箱 17 */ --把第一个表需要更新的字段的类型改一下,不然的话小数点后的数字没了
SELECT a.pro_id,a.pro_name,(采购金额-退货金额)/(采购数量-退货数量) FROM ( SELECT a.pro_id,a.pro_name,SUM(b.item_amount*b.item_price) AS 采购金额,SUM(b.item_amount ) AS 采购数量 FROM 商品表x_pro a JOIN 采购明细表x_buyitem b ON a.pro_id=b.item_pro JOIN 采购单表x_buy c ON b.item_buy=c.buy_code AND buy_tally=2 GROUP BY a.pro_id,a.pro_name ) a JOIN