日期:2014-05-18  浏览次数:20619 次

一张表,a_Time时间类型 2012-1-13 14:48:14

该怎么写?select m1,m2,m3.........m60 ???


datepart和case when行列转换吧
where datediff(hh,getdate(),a_Time) = 0
SQL code
select count(*),convert(varchar(120),a_time,120) from tb
group by convert(varchar(120),a_time,120)

SQL code
select sum(case when datepart(mi,a_time)=1 then 1 else 0 end) as m1
 sum(case when datepart(mi,a_time)=2 then 1 else 0 end) as m2
 sum(case when datepart(mi,a_time)=3 then 1 else 0 end) as m3
 sum(case when datepart(mi,a_time)=4 then 1 else 0 end) as m4
 sum(case when datepart(mi,a_time)=5 then 1 else 0 end) as m5
 sum(case when datepart(mi,a_time)=59 then 1 else 0 end) as m59
 sum(case when datepart(mi,a_time)=60 then 1 else 0 end) as m60
from tb

SQL code
select count(*),convert(varchar(120),a_time,120) from tb
group by convert(varchar(120),a_time,120)

select count(*),MINUTE(SYSDATE()) from tb group by MINUTE(SYSDATE()) 这是My sql 写法
SQL code

declare @date datetime 
select @date = '2012-02-01 12:00:00'
dateadd( mi,-number,@date ) 
master.dbo.spt_values a 
a.type = 'p' and 
a.number < 60

小三 大虾的回答应该是正确的
这就是取当前1小时内的数据的SQL 语句
select DATEPART (mi, datetransaction), count(*)
select datetransaction
from tabletransaction
where datetransaction <= getdate() and datetransaction >= dateadd (mi, -60 , getdate())
) z
group by DATEPART( mi, datetransaction )

select DATEPART (mi, datetransaction), count(*)
select datetransaction
from tabletransaction
where datetransaction <= getdate() and datetransaction >= dateadd (mi, -59 , getdate())
) z
group by DATEPART( mi, datetransaction )

-59 才对 

不用写60条啊 用for循环
不用写60条啊 用for循环
create table tdate
tid int identity(1,1) primary key,
tdate datetime

insert into tdate 
select getdate() union all 
select getdate() union all 
select getdate() union all 
select getdate() union all 
select getdate() union all 
select getdate() union all 
select getdate() union all 
select getdate() union all 
select getdate() union all 
select getdate() union all 
select getdate() union all 
select getdate()
select count(datepart(mi,ttdate)) as 次数 from tdate where datediff(hh,ttdate,'2012-5-6 8:01:33')=0 group by datepart(mi,ttdate)