日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:21047 次
--> 测试数据:[test] if object_id('[test]') is not null drop table [test] create table [test]( [id] int, [name] varchar(5), [recorddate] date, [workhours] numeric(3,2) ) go insert [test] select 1,'sa','2012-06-10',8.00 union all select 2,'sa','2012-06-11',8.00 union all select 3,'root','2012-06-11',9.00 union all select 4,'root','2012-06-14',7.00 union all select 5,'admin','2012-06-15',6.00 union all select 6,'sa','2012-06-10',3.00 go declare @StartTime date set @StartTime='2012-06-10' ;with t as( select distinct b.name,DATEADD(DD,number,@StartTime) as [recorddate] from master..spt_values a cross join test b where number between 0 and 5 and type='p' ) select t.name,t.recorddate,sum(isnull(m.workhours,0.00)) as workhours from t left join test m on t.recorddate=m.recorddate and t.name=m.name group by t.name,t.recorddate order by t.name,t.recorddate /* name recorddate workhours ---------------------------------------------- admin 2012-06-10 0.00 admin 2012-06-11 0.00 admin 2012-06-12 0.00 admin 2012-06-13 0.00 admin 2012-06-14 0.00 admin 2012-06-15 6.00 root 2012-06-10 0.00 root 2012-06-11 9.00 root 2012-06-12 0.00 root 2012-06-13 0.00 root 2012-06-14 7.00 root 2012-06-15 0.00 sa 2012-06-10 11.00 sa 2012-06-11 8.00 sa 2012-06-12 0.00 sa 2012-06-13 0.00 sa 2012-06-14 0.00 sa 2012-06-15 0.00 */
--> 测试数据:[test] if object_id('[test]') is not null drop table [test] create table [test]( [id] int, [name] varchar(5), [recorddate] date, [workhours] numeric(3,2) ) go insert [test] select 1,'sa','2012-06-10',8.00 union all select 2,'sa','2012-06-11',8.00 union all select 3,'root','2012-06-11',9.00 union all select 4,'root','2012-06-14',7.00 union all select 5,'admin','2012-06-15',6.00 union all select 6,'sa','2012-06-10',3.00 go declare @StartTime date set @StartTime='2012-06-10' declare @EndTime date set @EndTime='2012-06-15' ;with t as( select distinct b.name, DATEADD(DD,number,@StartTime) as [recorddate] from master..spt_values a cross join test b where number between 0 and DATEDIFF(DD,@StartTime,@EndTime) and type='p' ) select t.name, t.recorddate, sum(isnull(m.workhours,0.00)) as workhours from t left join test m on t.recorddate=m.recorddate and t.name=m.name group by t.name,t.recorddate order by t.name,t.recorddate /* name recorddate workhours ------------------------------------ admin 2012-06-10 0.00 admin 2012-06-11 0.00 admin 2012-06-12 0.00 admin 2012-06-13 0.00 admin 2012-06-14 0.00 admin 2012-06-15 6.00 root 2012-06-10 0.00 root 2012-