日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20507 次
if object_id('tempdb..#temp') is not null Begin truncate table #temp drop table #temp End create table #temp ( counts int null, goods varchar(20) null, withNum int null, Gift int null, td varchar(10) null ) insert into #temp(counts,goods,withnum,gift,td) values(23,'aaa,bbb',4,3,'团队') insert into #temp(counts,goods,withnum,gift,td) values(3,'aaa',4,3,'团队') insert into #temp(counts,goods,withnum,gift,td) values(4,'aaa,bbb',4,1,'散客') /* 现在的显示结果是: 23 aaa,bbb 4 3 团队 3 aaa 4 3 团队 4 aaa,bbb 4 1 散客 */ /* 我要的结果是 counts goods withNum newColumns 27 aaa,bbb 4 3团队,1散客 3 aaa 4 3团队 */ --不知道我描述的可清楚 --感谢 select * from #temp if object_id('tempdb..#temp') is not null Begin truncate table #temp drop table #temp End
if object_id('tempdb..#temp') is not null Begin truncate table #temp drop table #temp End create table #temp ( counts int null, goods varchar(20) null, withNum int null, Gift int null, td varchar(10) null ) insert into #temp(counts,goods,withnum,gift,td) values(23,'aaa,bbb',4,3,'团队') insert into #temp(counts,goods,withnum,gift,td) values(3,'aaa',4,3,'团队') insert into #temp(counts,goods,withnum,gift,td) values(4,'aaa,bbb',4,1,'散客') /* 现在的显示结果是: 23 aaa,bbb 4 3 团队 3 aaa 4 3 团队 4 aaa,bbb 4 1 散客 */ /* 我要的结果是 counts goods withNum newColumns 27 aaa,bbb 4 3团队,1散客 3 aaa 4 3团队 */ --不知道我描述的可清楚 --感谢 select * from #temp ;with t as ( select goods,withNum,counts,convert(varchar(2),Gift)+td as newColumns from #temp ) select goods ,withNum, [newColumns]=stuff((select ','+[newColumns] from t b where a.goods=b.goods and a.withNum = b.withNum for xml path('')), 1, 1, '') from t a group by goods ,withNum if object_id('tempdb..#temp') is not null Begin truncate table #temp drop table #temp End
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.f_str(@goods varchar(10)) RETURNS varchar(8000) AS BEGIN DECLARE @r varchar(8000) SET @r = '' SELECT @r = @r + ',' + value FROM tb WHERE @goods =@goods RETURN STUFF(@r, 1, 1, '') END GO -- 调用函数 SELECt goods, values=dbo.f_str(id) FROM tb GROUP BY goods
create table temp ( counts int null, goods varchar(20) null, withNum int null, Gift int null, td varchar(10) null ) insert into temp(counts,goods,withnum,gift,td) values(23,'aaa,bbb',4,3,'团队') insert into temp(counts,goods,withnum,gift,td) values(3,'aaa',4,3,'团队') insert into temp(counts,goods,withnum,gift,td) values(4,'aaa,bbb',4,1,'散客') select * from temp select goods ,withNum,sum(counts) as counts, [newColumns]=stuff((select ','+[newColumns] from (select goods,withNum,counts,convert(varchar(2),Gift)+td as newColumns from temp) b where a.goods=b.goods and a.withNum = b.withNum for xml path('')), 1, 1, '') from (select goods,withNum,counts,convert(varchar(2),Gift)+td as newColumns from temp) a group by goods ,withNum /* goods withNum counts newColumns aaa 4 3 3团队 aaa,bbb 4 27 3团队,1散客 */