日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20752 次
--> 测试数据:[student] if object_id('[student]') is not null drop table [student] create table [student]([id] int,[name] varchar(6)) insert [student] select 1,'赵一' union all select 2,'钱二' union all select 3,'孙三' union all select 4,'李四' union all select 5,'周五' union all select 6,'吴六' union all select 7,'郑七' union all select 8,'王八' union all select 9,'冯九' union all select 10,'陈十' union all select 11,'楚十一' union all select 12,'魏十二' --> 测试数据:[score] if object_id('[score]') is not null drop table [score] create table [score]([id] int,[sid] int,[cid] int,[score] numeric(5,2)) insert [score] select 1,1,1,90.00 union all select 2,1,2,140.50 union all select 3,1,3,102.50 union all select 4,1,4,120.00 union all select 5,2,1,90.00 union all select 6,2,2,112.00 union all select 7,2,3,89.00 union all select 8,2,4,73.00 union all select 9,3,1,70.00 union all select 10,3,2,149.00 union all select 11,3,3,66.00 union all select 12,3,4,122.00 --> 测试数据:[course] if object_id('[course]') is not null drop table [course] create table [course]([id] int,[course] varchar(4)) insert [course] select 1,'语文' union all select 2,'数学' union all select 3,'英语' union all select 4,'化学' with t as( select a.id,b.name,c.course,a.score, COUNT(1)over(partition by b.name) as total from [score] a inner join [student] b on a.[sid]=b.id inner join [course] c on a.cid=c.id where a.score<90 ) --查询成绩2门以上(含)成绩小于90分学生的姓名 select distinct name from t where total>=2 /* name ------ 钱二 孙三 */ go with t as( select a.id,b.name,c.course,a.score from [score] a inner join [student] b on a.[sid]=b.id inner join [course] c on a.cid=c.id ) select name,AVG(score) as AvgScore from t a where exists(select 1 from t b where a.name=b.name and b.score<=90) group by name /* name AvgScore 钱二 91.000000 孙三 101.750000 赵一 113.250000 */
--1 SELECT s.* FROM [student] s JOIN ( SELECT [sid] FROM [score] WHERE [score]<90 GROUP BY [sid] HAVING COUNT(*)>1 ) a ON a.[sid]=s.[id] --2 SELECT c.name , AVG(a.[score])FROM [score] a JOIN ( SELECT [sid] FROM [score] WHERE [score]<90 GROUP BY [sid] HAVING COUNT(*)>0 ) b ON a.[sid]=b.[sid] JOIN [student] c ON a.[sid]=c.[id] GROUP BY c.name