日期:2014-05-18  浏览次数:20639 次



SQL code

--ID 为主键,自增长的,没什么意义; uId为用户标识;userName 为用户名;parentUId 为父级 uId; status 为统计状态; 一个用户可以重复多条数据;顶级用户的父级为自己
declare @t table (ID varchar(1),uId varchar(1),userName varchar(5),parentUId varchar(1),status bit)
insert into @t
select 1, 1,'user1',1,1 union all
select 2, 2,'user2',1,1 union all
select 3, 3,'user3',2,0 union all
select 4, 3,'user3',2,0 union all
select 5, 4,'user4',3,0 union all
select 6, 5,'user5',1,1 union all
select 7, 6,'user6',5,0
Declare @p varchar(6) set @p='user1'

uId, userName, count(case status ='true' ) t, count(case status ='false' ) f
1, user1, 1, 0
2, user2, 1, 3
5, user5, 1, 1
uId, userName, count(case status ='true' ) t, count(case status ='false' ) f
2, user2, 1, 3
5, user5, 1, 1


SQL code
--ID 为主键,自增长的,没什么意义; uId为用户标识;userName 为用户名;parentUId 为父级 uId; status 为统计状态; 一个用户可以重复多条数据;顶级用户的父级为自己
declare @t table (ID varchar(1),uId varchar(1),userName varchar(5),parentUId varchar(1),status bit)
insert into @t
select 1, 1,'user1',0,1 union all
select 2, 2,'user2',1,1 union all
select 3, 3,'user3',2,0 union all
select 4, 3,'user3',2,0 union all
select 5, 4,'user4',3,0 union all
select 6, 5,'user5',1,1 union all
select 7, 6,'user6',5,0
Declare @p varchar(6) set @p='user1';
with tb1 as(
select ID,[uId],userName,parentUId,[status],[level]=0,
tru=(case when [status]=1 then uId end),
fal=(case when [status]=0 then uid end)
from @t where userName=@p
union all
select t1.ID,t1.uId,t1.userName,t1.parentUId,t1.[status],[level]+1,
(case when t1.[status]=1 and [level]=0 then t.[uId] when t1.[status]=1 and [level]=1 then t.[uId] when t1.[status]=1 and level<>1 then t.parentUId end),
(case when t1.[status]=0 and [level]=0 then t.[uId] when t1.[status]=0 and [level]=1 then t.[uId] when t1.[status]=0 and level<>1 then t.parentUId end)
from tb1 t
join @t t1 on t1.parentUId=t.[uId]
tb2 as(
select distinct * from tb1

select [uId],userName,COUNT(tru) t,(select COUNT(fal) from tb2 where fal=t1.uId) f
from tb2 t1
where status=1
group by [uId],userName

uId  userName t           f
---- -------- ----------- -----------
1    user1    1           0
2    user2    1           3
5    user5    1           1

uId  userName t           f
---- -------- ----------- -----------
2    user2    1           3
5    user5    1           1