日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20498 次
---------------------------- -- Author :fredrickhu(小F,向高手学习) -- Date :2012-06-21 09:30:54 -- Version: -- Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (RTM) - 10.50.1617.0 (Intel X86) -- Apr 22 2011 11:57:00 -- Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation -- Enterprise Edition on Windows NT 6.1 <X64> (Build 7600: ) (WOW64) -- ---------------------------- --> 测试数据:[a] if object_id('[a]') is not null drop table [a] go create table [a]([学号] int,[费用名称] varchar(4),[数额] money,[应交费的日期] datetime) insert [a] select 101,'fee1',$100,'2012/1/1' union all select 101,'fee2',$100,'2012/2/1' union all select 101,'fee3',$100,'2012/3/1' union all select 101,'fee4',$100,'2012/4/1' union all select 101,'fee5',$100,'2012/5/1' union all select 102,'fee1',$100,'2012/1/1' union all select 102,'fee2',$100,'2012/2/1' union all select 102,'fee3',$100,'2012/3/1' union all select 102,'fee4',$100,'2012/4/1' union all select 102,'fee5',$100,'2012/5/1' union all select 103,'fee1',$100,'2012/1/1' union all select 103,'fee2',$100,'2012/2/1' union all select 103,'fee3',$100,'2012/3/1' union all select 103,'fee4',$100,'2012/4/1' union all select 103,'fee5',$100,'2012/5/1' --> 测试数据:[b] if object_id('[b]') is not null drop table [b] go create table [b]([学号] int,[已经付的费用] money) insert [b] select 101,$220 union all select 102,$210 union all select 103,$330 --------------开始查询-------------------------- select t.学号,费用名称,数额=case when isnull((select sum(数额) from a where 学号=t.学号 and 应交费的日期<=t.应交费的日期),0)-b.已经付的费用>0 then isnull((select sum(数额) from a where 学号=t.学号 and 应交费的日期<=t.应交费的日期),0)-b.已经付的费用 else 0 end from a t join b on t.学号=b.学号 ----------------结果---------------------------- /* (15 行受影响) (3 行受影响) 学号 费用名称 数额 ----------- ---- --------------------- 101 fee1 0.00 101 fee2 0.00 101 fee3 80.00 101 fee4 180.00 101 fee5 280.00 102 fee1 0.00 102 fee2 0.00 102 fee3 90.00 102