日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20803 次
id ino_id ccode md mc ccode_equal 1 1 1001 10 0 1131 2 1 1131 0 10 1001 3 2 1001 100 0 1131,1130,1151 4 2 1131 0 40 1001 5 2 1130 0 50 1001 6 2 1151 0 10 1001 7 3 1001 100 0 1131,1121 8 3 1131 0 50 1001 9 3 1121 0 50 1001 10 4 1001 0 100 1131,1121 11 4 1131 50 0 1001 12 4 1131 30 0 1001 13 4 1121 20 0 1001
--> 测试数据:[test] if object_id('[test]') is not null drop table [test] create table [test]( [id] int, [ino_id] int, [ccode] int, [md] int, [mc] int, [ccode_equal] varchar(20) ) go insert [test] select 1,1,1001,10,0,1131 union all select 2,1,1131,0,10,1001 union all select 3,2,1001,100,0,1131 union all select 4,2,1131,0,40,1001 union all select 5,2,1130,0,50,1001 union all select 6,2,1151,0,10,1001 union all select 7,3,1001,100,0,1131 union all select 8,3,1131,0,50,1001 union all select 9,3,1121,0,50,1001 union all select 10,4,1001,0,100,1131 union all select 11,4,1131,50,0,1001 union all select 12,4,1131,30,0,1001 union all select 13,4,1121,20,0,1001 go with t as( select px=ROW_NUMBER()over(partition by [ino_id] order by getdate()), * from test ), m as( select px=row_number()over(partition by ino_id order by getdate()), ino_id, right(N.[ccode],len(N.[ccode])-CHARINDEX(',',N.[ccode])) [ccode_equal] from ( select distinct [ino_id] from test )A outer apply( select distinct [ccode]= STUFF(REPLACE(REPLACE( (select distinct [ccode] from test N where ino_id = A.ino_id for xml auto ),'<N ccode="', ','), '"/>', ''), 1, 1, '') )N ) select t.id,t.ino_id,t.ccode,t.md,t.mc, case when t.px=1 then m.ccode_equal else t.ccode_equal end as ccode_equal from t left join m on t.px=m.px and t.ino_id=m.ino_id /* id ino_id ccode md mc ccode_equal ------------------------------------------------- 1 1 1001 10 0 1131 2 1 1131 0 10 1001 3 2 1001 100 0 1130,1131,1151 4 2 1131 0 40 1001 5 2 1130 0 50 1001 6 2 1151 0 10 1001 7 3 1001 100 0 1121,1131 8 3 1131 0 50 1001 9 3 1121 0 50 1001 10 4 1001 0 100 1121,1131 11 4 1131 50 0 1001 12 4 1131 30 0 1001 13 4 1121 20 0 1001 */
SELECT id,ino_id,ccode,md,mc, STUFF(REPLACE(REPLACE((SELECT ccode FROM #t b WHERE b.ino_id=a.ino_id (CASE WHEN a.md=0 THEN b.mc ELSE b.md END)=0 FOR XML AUTO ),'<b ccode="', ','), '"/>', ''),1,1,'') ccode_equal FROM #t a
if object_id('[tb]') is not null drop table [tb] go create table [tb]([id] int,[ino_id] int,[ccode] int,[md] int,[mc] int,[ccode_equal] varchar(14)) insert [tb] select 1,1,1001,10,0,null union all select 2,1,1131,0,10,null union all select 3,2,1001,100,0,null union all select 4,2,113