日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20471 次
where (@thbzhi@ = 0 and t1.Fheadselfd0138=40183 AND t1.frob=1) or (t1.Fheadselfd0138=40184 and t1.frob=2)
select t1.Fbillno 单据号, t1.fdate 制单时间, '杨帆' 制单人, '2.99' 部门, '02.06.02' 业务员, kehu.f_108 仓库助记码, '转库' 收发类别, @thbzhi@ 退货标志, sp.disfnumber 厂商编码, sp.fname 存货名称, t2.fqty 数量, (case when T2.fentryselfb0157 is not null then T2.fentryselfb0157 else t2.fentryselfd0146 end) 建议零售价 from (SELECT * from icstockbill where fdate between ******** and ######## and ftrantype in(21,41) and fsupplyid is not null and ((@thbzhi@ = 0 and t1.Fheadselfd0138=40183 AND t1.frob=1) or (t1.Fheadselfd0138=40184 and t1.frob=2))) t1 --根据退货标志的不同,取icstockbill中的相应的数据 left outer join icstockbillentry t2 on t1.finterid=t2.finterid left outer join t_organization kehu on t1.fsupplyid=kehu.fitemid left outer join Lch_icitem sp on t2.fitemid = sp.fitemid where kehu.fnumber between *CustNo* and #CustNo#