日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20528 次
--> 测试数据:[表1] if object_id('[表1]') is not null drop table [表1] create table [表1]([产品类别] varchar(4),[类别编号] varchar(1)) insert [表1] select '主机','A' union all select '主板','B' union all select '内存','C' --> 测试数据:[表2] if object_id('[表2]') is not null drop table [表2] create table [表2]([编号] varchar(4),[名称] varchar(4),[产品类别] varchar(4)) insert [表2] select 'A001','DELL','主机' union all select 'B001','技嘉','主板' union all select 'A002','惠普','主机' --> 测试数据:[表3] if object_id('[表3]') is not null drop table [表3] create table [表3]([编号] varchar(4),[名称] varchar(6),[产品类别] varchar(4)) insert [表3] select null,'联想','主机' union all select null,'金士顿','内存' union all select null,'日立','主机' with m as( select px=ROW_NUMBER()over(partition by [产品类别] order by [编号] DESC,(select 1)) ,* from( select * from [表2] union all select * from [表3] )t ), n as( select a.类别编号+right('000'+LTRIM(px),3) as 类别编号, [名称],m.[产品类别] from [表1] a left join m on a.产品类别=m.产品类别 where m.编号 is null ) update [表3] set [编号]=n.类别编号 from n where [表3].产品类别=n.产品类别 and [表3].名称=n.名称 select * from [表3] /* 编号 名称 产品类别 -------------------------------- A003 联想 主机 C001 金士顿 内存 A004 日立 主机 */
if object_id('[t1]') is not null drop table [t1] go create table [t1]([产品类别] varchar(4),[类别编号] varchar(1)) insert [t1] select '主机','A' union all select '主板','B' union all select '内存','C' go if object_id('[t2]') is not null drop table [t2] go create table [t2]([编号] varchar(4),[名称] varchar(4),[产品类别] varchar(4)) insert [t2] select 'A001','DELL','主机' union all select 'B001','技嘉','主板' union all select 'A002','惠普','主机' go if object_id('[t3]') is not null drop table [t3] go create table [t3]([编号] varchar(4),[名称] varchar(6),[产品类别] varchar(4)) insert [t3] select null,'联想','主机' union all select null,'金士顿','内存' union all select null,'日立','主机' go alter table t3 add tid int identity(1,1); go update a set 编号=t1.类别编号+right('000'+ltrim(b.编号+(select count(1) from t3 where 产品类别=a.产品类别 and tid<=a.tid)),3) from t3 a join ( select t1.产品类别,t1.类别编号,isnull(replace(max(t2.编号),t1.类别编号,''),'0') as 编号 from t1 left join t2 on t1.产品类别=t2.产品类别 group by t1.产品类别,t1.类别编号 ) b on a.产品类别=b.产品类别 join t1 on a.产品类别=t1.产品类别 go alter table t3 drop column tid; go select * from t3 /** 编号 名称 产品类别 ---- ------ ---- A003 联想 主机 C001 金士顿 内存 A004 日立 主机 (3 行受影响) **/