日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20655 次
------------------------------------ ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[T_Menu_User_Role_ExistsByMenuAll] @aid int, @rids nvarchar(200), @mid int, @other1 int AS DECLARE @TempID int SELECT @TempID = count(1) FROM [T_Menu_User_Role] WHERE (aid=@aid AND other1=@other1) OR (rid IN (@rids) AND other1=@other1) IF @TempID = 0 RETURN 0 ELSE RETURN 1
消息 245,级别 16,状态 1,过程 T_Menu_User_Role_ExistsByMenuAll,第 14 行 在将 nvarchar 值 '1,2' 转换成数据类型 int 时失败。
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[T_Menu_User_Role_ExistsByMenuAll] @aid int, @rids nvarchar(200), @mid int, @other1 int AS DECLARE @TempID int SELECT @TempID = count(1) FROM [T_Menu_User_Role] WHERE (aid='+@aid+' AND other1='+@other1+') OR (rid IN (ltrim(@rids)) AND other1='+@other1+') IF @TempID = 0 RETURN 0 ELSE RETURN 1
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[T_Menu_User_Role_ExistsByMenuAll] @aid int, @rids nvarchar(200), @mid int, @other1 int AS DECLARE @TempID int SELECT @TempID = count(1) FROM [T_Menu_User_Role] WHERE (aid=@aid AND other1=@other1) OR (CHARINDEX(',' + rtrim(rid) + ',',',' + @rids + ',') > 0 AND other1=@other1) IF @TempID = 0 RETURN 0 ELSE RETURN 1
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[T_Menu_User_Role_ExistsByMenuAll] @aid int, @rids nvarchar(200), @mid int, @other1 int AS DECLARE @TempID int DECLARE @SQL NVARCHAR(MAX) SET @SQL = N' SELECT @TempID = count(1) FROM [T_Menu_User_Role] WHERE (aid=@aid AND other1=@other1) OR (rid IN (' + @rids + ') AND other1=@other1)' EXEC SP_EXECUTESQL @SQL,'@aid int,@other1 int,@TempID INT OUTPUT',@aid,@other1 ,@TempID OUTPUT IF @TempID = 0 RETURN 0 ELSE RETURN 1
if object_id('T_Menu_User_Role_ExistsByMenuAll') is not null drop PROCEDURE [dbo].[T_Menu_User_Role_ExistsByMenuAll] go CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[T_Menu_User_Role_ExistsByMenuAll] @aid int, @rids nvarchar(200), @mid int, @other1 int AS DECLARE @TempID int SELECT @TempID = count(1) FROM [T_Menu_User_Role] WHERE (aid=@aid AND other1=@other1) OR (rid IN (ltrim(@rids)) AND other1=@other1) -- print @tempid IF @TempID = 0 RETURN 0 ELSE RETURN 1
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[T_Menu_User_Role_ExistsByMenuAll] @aid int, @rids nvarchar(200), @mid int, @other1 int AS DECLARE @StrSql nvarchar(1024) DECLARE @TempID int set @strSql = 'SELECT @TempID = count(1) FROM [T_Menu_User_Role] WHERE (aid=@aid AND other1=@other1) OR (rid IN ('' + @rids + '') AND other1=@other1) ' execute sp_executesql @strSql ,N'@TempID int output,@aid int,@mid int,@other1 int',@TempID output ,@aid,@mid,@other1 IF @TempID = 0 RETURN 0 ELSE RETURN 1