日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20635 次
create procedure GetSaleSumByEmp @year int, @month int, @empid nchar(10), @sum numeric(38,2) output as begin select @sum=sum(sale.salesum) from sale,employee where sale.empid=employee.empid and year(saledate)=@year --建议使用[表名.saledate] and month(saledate)=@month--建议使用[表名.saledate] group by sale.empid --having saleid=@saleid --这里有问题,不知道楼主想要过滤的条件 end
if OBJECT_ID('employee','u') is not null drop table employee go if OBJECT_ID('sale','u') is not null drop table sale go create table employee ( empid int ) go insert into employee select 1 go create table sale ( salesum int , empid int, saledate datetime ) go insert into sale select 1,1,GETDATE() ---------------------------------------- if OBJECT_ID('GetSaleSumByEmp','p') is not null drop proc GetSaleSumByEmp go create procedure GetSaleSumByEmp @year int, @month int, @empid nchar(10), @sum numeric(38,2) output as begin select @sum=sum(sale.salesum) from sale,employee where sale.empid=employee.empid and year(saledate)=@year --建议使用[表名.saledate] and month(saledate)=@month--建议使用[表名.saledate] group by sale.empid --having saleid=@saleid --这里有问题,不知道楼主想要过滤的条件 end go ---调用存储过程 declare @result numeric(38,2) --楼主注意下 使用存储过程使用output时的语法 exec GetSaleSumByEmp 2012,6,'n',@result output select @result /* --------------------------------------- 1.00 (1 row(s) affected) */
create procedure GetSaleSumByEmp --@sum(salesum) output, --输出变量 需要有类型 不能有括号在这 @sum float output, @year int, @month int, @empid nchar(10) as begin select @sum=sum(sale.salesum) from sale,employee where sale.empid=employee.empid and year(saledate)=@year and month(saledate)=@month group by sale.empid --having saleid=@saleid end