日期:2014-05-18  浏览次数:20689 次

ID aid name parentID iddegree
1 a1 1 0 0
2 a2 2 a1 1
3 a3 3 a1 1
4 a4 4 a1 1
5 a5 5 a2 2
6 a6 6 a2 2
7 a7 7 a3 2
8 a8 8 a5 3
9 a9 9 a8 4

这一类似这样的表 每个name 都有唯一的aid,parentId对应的是属于哪个父ID,iddegree表示层级,类似的人员表,应该很常见。我初接触这个,很多查询都不是很熟练,想做个 以 iddegree为1 的分别的检视表,就是a1,a2,a3,a4的下层的人员表。要怎么弄呢?(我一开始的需求是给个参数如a2判断选出所有属于a2的部门人员,显示出a2这样的表)

SQL code

--ID aid name parentID iddegree
if OBJECT_ID('tf_getchildInfo','tf') is not null drop function tf_getchildInfo
create function tf_getchildInfo(@AID varchar(10))
returns @table table
    ID int,
    AID varchar(10),
    Name int,
    ParentID varchar(10),
    Iddegree int
    with tb1 as
            select 1 as id,'a1' as aid,1 as name,'' as parentID,0 as iddegree union all
            select 2,'a2',2,'a1',1 union all 
            select 3,'a3',3,'a1',1 union all 
            select 4,'a4',4,'a1',1 union all 
            select 5,'a5',5,'a2',2 union all 
            select 6,'a6',6,'a2',2 union all 
            select 7,'a7',7,'a3',2 union all 
            select 8,'a8',8,'a5',3 union all 
            select 9,'a9',9,'a8',4 
    cte as 
        select id,aid,name,parentID,iddegree from tb1
        where aid=@AID-- 使用传递的参数
        union all
        select tb1.id,tb1.aid,tb1.name,tb1.parentID,tb1.iddegree  from cte 
        join tb1 on tb1.parentID=cte.aid
    insert into @table(id,aid,name,parentID,iddegree)
    select * from cte
select * from dbo.tf_getchildInfo('a1')
ID          AID        Name        ParentID   Iddegree
----------- ---------- ----------- ---------- -----------
1           a1         1                      0
2           a2         2           a1         1
3           a3         3           a1         1
4           a4         4           a1         1
7           a7         7           a3         2
5           a5         5           a2         2
6           a6         6           a2         2
8           a8         8           a5         3
9           a9         9           a8         4

(9 row(s) affected)


SQL code

if OBJECT_ID('v_childInfo','V') is not null drop view v_childInfo
create view v_childInfo
with tb1 as
            select 1 as id,'a1' as aid,1 as name,'' as parentID,0 as iddegree union all
            select 2,'a2',2,'a1',1 union all 
            select 3,'a3',3,'a1',1 union all 
            select 4,'a4',4,'a1',1 union all 
            select 5,'a5',5,'a2',2 union all 
            select 6,'a6',6,'a2',2 union all 
            select 7,'a7',7,'a3',2 union all 
            select 8,'a8',8,'a5',3 union all 
            select 9,'a9',9,'a8',4 
    cte as 
        select id,aid,name,parentID,iddegree from tb1
        where aid='a5'-- 使用传递的参数
        union all
        select tb1.id,tb1.aid,tb1.name,tb1.parentID,tb1.iddegree  from cte 
        join tb1 on tb1.parentID=cte.aid
    select * from cte
select * from v_childInfo
id          aid  name        parentID iddegree
----------- ---- ----------- -------- -----------
5           a5   5           a2       2
8           a8   8           a5       3
9           a9   9           a8       4

(3 row(s) affected)
