日期:2014-05-18  浏览次数:20731 次





SQL code

create table saleinfo201205(
vipcardno varchar(20),saleno varchar(20),sstotal float,xsdate datetime)
insert into  saleinfo201205 values('101','1',600,'2012-01-01')
insert into  saleinfo201205 values( '102','1',500,'2012-01-02')
insert into  saleinfo201205 values( '103','1',400,'2012-01-03')
insert into  saleinfo201205 values( '101','2',600,'2012-01-02')
insert into  saleinfo201205 values( '101','3',600,'2012-01-03')
insert into  saleinfo201205 values( '101','4',600,'2012-01-04')
insert into  saleinfo201205 values( '105','1',1200,'2012-01-01')
insert into  saleinfo201205 values( '105','2',600,'2012-01-03')

select * from saleinfo201205 a where exists(select 1 from (
select vipcardno,min(xsdate) as xsdate from saleinfo201205 group by vipcardno)b where a.xsdate=xsdate and a.vipcardno=vipcardno )
and sstotal<1000

101    1    600    2012-01-01 00:00:00.000
102    1    500    2012-01-02 00:00:00.000
103    1    400    2012-01-03 00:00:00.000

SQL code

select vipcardno,saleno,sstotal,xsdate from(
px=ROW_NUMBER()over(partition by vipcardno,saleno order by xsdate asc),*
from tbl)t
where vipcardno in(select vipcardno from(
select vipcardno,COUNT(1) from tbl group by vipcardno having COUNT(1)=1)m)
and px=1 and sstotal<=1000

SQL code
select vipcardno,min(saleno) as saleno,sum(sstotal) as sstotal,xsdate from saleinfo201205 a where exists(select 1 from (
select vipcardno,min(xsdate) as xsdate from saleinfo201205 group by vipcardno)b where a.xsdate=xsdate and a.vipcardno=vipcardno )
group by vipcardno,xsdate having sum(sstotal)<1000

SQL code

--> 测试数据:[test]
if object_id('[test]') is not null drop table [test]
create table [test](
[vipcardno] int,
[SaleNo] bigint,
[xsdate] datetime,
[sstotal] numeric(8,2)
insert [test]
select 580872,2012050115126642,'2012-05-01 20:44:08.000',598.00 union all
select 580874,2012051915037170,'2012-05-19 16:14:32.000',54.00 union all
select 580876,2012052605248185,'2012-05-26 11:28:45.000',0.30 union all
select 580876,2012052605248185,'2012-05-26 11:28:45.000',9.90 union all
select 580876,2012052605248185,'2012-05-26 11:28:45.000',27.20 union all
select 580876,2012052605248185,'2012-05-26 11:28:45.000',6.70 union all
select 580876,2012052605248185,'2012-05-26 11:28:45.000',9.60 union all
select 580876,2012052605248185,'2012-05-26 11:28:45.000',9.60 union all
select 580876,2012052605248185,'2012-05-26 11:28:45.000',6.04 union all
select 580876,2012052605248186,'2012-05-26 11:29:46.000',3.36 union all
select 580876,2012052605248186,'2012-05-26 11:29:46.000',18.03 union all
select 580876,2012052605248186,'2012-05-26 11:29:46.000',22.90 union all
select 580876,2012052605248186,'2012-05-26 11:29:46.000',53.90 union all
select 580883,2012050311015023,'2012-05-03 14:20:11.000',299.00 union all
select 580883,2012050311015032,'2012-05-03 14:33:55.000',150.00

select distinct [vipcardno],[SaleNo],[xsdate],
SUM([sstotal])over( partition by [SaleNo]) as [sstotal]
from test a
where [xsdate]=(select MIN([xsdate]) from test b 
where a.vipcardno=b.vipcardno)

vipcardno    SaleNo    xsdate    sstotal
580872    2012050115126642    2012-05-01 20:44:08.000    598.00
580874    2012051915037170    2012-05-19 16:14:32.000    54.00
580876    2012052605248185    2012-05-26 11:28:45.000    69.34
580883    2012050311015023    2012-05-03 14:20:11.000    299.00
