日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20607 次
--分析没错,不知执行有没有错,没建表,试下 create trigger [流水表_updins] on [流水表] for insert as update 余额表 set 货物余额=货物余额+i.货物进出量 from inserted i where 余额表.货物名称=i.货物名称 and i.进出方向='进货' and convert(varchar(10),i.货物进出时间,111)=convert(varchar(10),余额表.货物进出时间,111) insert into 余额表 select 货物名称,货物进出量,货物进出时间 from inserted i where not exists (select 1 from 余额表 where 余额表.货物名称=i.货物名称 and convert(varchar(10),i.货物进出时间,111)=convert(varchar(10),余额表.货物进出时间,111)) and i.进出方向='进货' --你的出货时间就按晚于所有进货的来计算 declare @proname nvarchar(50),@qty float declare cur cursor local for select 货物名称,货物进出量=sum(货物进出量) from inserted i where i.进出方向='出货' open cur fetch next from cur into @proname,@qty while @@fetch_status=0 begin declare @tmpqty float,@tmpdate varchar(10) while exists(select 1 from 余额表 where 货物进出量>0) and @qty>0 begin select top 1 @tmpqty=货物进出量,@tmpdate=convert(varchar(10),货物进出时间,111) from 余额表 where 货物进出量>0 and 货物名称=@proname order by 货物进出时间 asc if(@qty>@tmpqty) begin delete 余额表 where 货物名称=@proname and convert(varchar(10),货物进出时间,111)=@tmpdate select @qty=@qty-@tmpqty end else begin update 余额表 set 货物进出量=货物进出量-@qty where 货物名称=@proname and convert(varchar(10),货物进出时间,111)=@tmpdate delete 余额表 where 货物名称=@proname and convert(varchar(10),货物进出时间,111)=@tmpdate and 货物进出量=0 select @qty=@qty-@tmpqty end end fetch next from cur into @proname,@qty end close cur deallocate cur go
create trigger tri_l_u_i on lius for insert as declare @type char(2),@total int,@date datetime,@cName char(10),@con int,@i int ,@t int select @cName=cName,@total=total,@date=date,@type=ctype from inserted if @type='入' begin if exists(select 1 from yue where cName=@cName and date=@date) update yue set total=total+@total where cName=@cName and date=@date else insert into yue values(@cName,@total,@date) end if @type='出' begin select @t=sum(total) from yue where cName=@cName if @total>@t return while @total>0 begin select top 1 @con=total,@date=date from yue where cName=@cName order by date asc if @con>=@total begin select @con=@con-@total,@total=0 update yue set total=@con where cName=@cName and date=@date end else begin select @total=@total-@con,@con=0 delete yue where cName=@cName and date=@date end end end ---------------------------------------- --测试表结构: create table yue ( cName char(10), total int, date datetime ) create table lius ( cName char(10), total int, date datetime, ctype char(2) ) insert into yue select '轴承','100','2012-05-01' union all select '端盖','200','2012-06-01' union all select '轴承','200' ,'2012-07-01'union all select '轴承', '330', '2012-08-01'union all select