日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20576 次
if object_id('bank') is not null drop table bank if object_id('balance') is not null drop table balance if object_id('billData') is not null drop table billData create table bank( bankAccount nvarchar(10) not null primary key, bankName nvarchar(50) null ) create table balance( iYear int not null, iMonth int not null, pre_acc float not null, deaIn_acc float not null, deaOu_acc float not null, in_acc float not null, ou_acc float not null, Las_acc as(pre_acc+deaIn_acc-deaOu_acc+in_acc-ou_acc) ) alter table balance add constraint [PK_balance] primary key clustered(iYear,iMonth) on [PRIMARY] go create table billData( id int identity(1,1) not null primary key, billDate datetime not null, billType nvarchar(1) not null default('收'), clientName nvarchar(20) not null, bankAccount nvarchar(10) not null, otherBankAccount nvarchar(10) null, moneyLow float not null, bewrite bit ) go insert into bank select '001','AAA' union all select '002','BBB' union all select '003','CCC' go insert into balance select 2012,4,1000000,10000,20000,5000,4000 go insert into billData select '2012-05-23','收','abc','001','001',100,0 union all select '2012-05-23','付','bcd','002','001',100,0 union all select '2012-05-24','收','ccc','002','001',200,0 union all select '2012-05-25','收','abc','002','001',100,0 go if object_id('Balance_YM','P') is not null drop proc Balance_YM go create proc Balance_YM @year int=2012, @month int=5, @day int=24 as select iYear,iMonth,pre_acc,deaIn_acc=0,deaOu_acc=0, in_acc=0,ou_acc=0,Las_acc=0 into #t from balance where (@month<>1 and iYear=@year and iMonth=@month-1) or (@month=1 and iYear=@year-1 and iMonth=12) if @@rowcount>0 begin update #t set pre_acc=#t.pre_acc+t.in_acc-t.ou_acc, in_acc=t.in_acc, ou_acc=t.ou_acc from ( select in_acc=isnull(sum(case when billType='收' then moneyLow else 0 end),0), ou_acc=isnull(sum(case when billType='付' then moneyLow else 0 end),0) from billData where datepart(year,billDate)=@year and datepart(month,billDate)=@month and datepart(day,billDate)<@day )t select * from #t end drop table #t go exec Balance_YM 2012,5,24 exec Balance_YM 2012,5,25 go