日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20492 次
/*中位数定义:将数从小到大排列,若总数为奇数,取中间位置的数值。若总数为偶数,取中间位置两个数的平均值。*/ create table #tb(num int) declare @i int set @i=1 while @i<10 --#tb的行数可为奇数,也可为偶数 begin insert into #tb values(cast(RAND()*100 as int)) --表中可能有重复值 set @i=@i+1 end
create table #tb(num int) declare @i int set @i=1 while @i<10 --#tb的行数可为奇数,也可为偶数 begin insert into #tb values(cast(RAND()*100 as int)) --表中可能有重复值 set @i=@i+1 end select * from #tb order by num asc if OBJECT_ID('pro_test')is not null drop proc pro_test go create proc pro_test as declare @count int select @count=COUNT(1) from #tb if @count%2=0 begin select AVG(num) as 中位数 from( select ROW_NUMBER()over(order by num) as id,num from #tb )t where id in(@count/2,(@count/2)+1) end else begin select num as 中位数 from( select ROW_NUMBER()over(order by num) as id,num from #tb )t where id=(@count/2)+1 end exec pro_test /* 中位数 42 */
/*中位数定义:将数从小到大排列,若总数为奇数,取中间位置的数值。若总数为偶数,取中间位置两个数的平均值。*/ --奇数测试 if OBJECT_ID('tb','U') is not null drop table tb go create table tb(num int) --得到数据 declare @i int set @i=1 while @i<10 --#tb的行数可为奇数,也可为偶数 begin insert into tb values(cast(RAND()*100 as int)) --表中可能有重复值 set @i=@i+1 end --奇数结果 若总数为奇数,取中间位置的数值 位置 为5的 if (select COUNT(1)%2 from tb)=1 Begin with cte as ( select num, ROW_NUMBER() over(order by num) as v_squence from tb )select a.num from cte a where a.v_squence =(select COUNT(1)/2+1 from cte ) End else --偶数结果 取中间位置两个数的平均值。 Begin with cte as ( select num, ROW_NUMBER() over(order by num) as v_squence from tb )select sum(num)/2 from cte a where a.v_squence =(select COUNT(1)/2+1 from cte ) or a.v_squence =(select COUNT(1)/2 from cte ) end