select department,test_method,projectno,
sum(case projectno when 'JLZ9100501' then total_num else 0 end) JLZ9100501t,
sum(case projectno when 'JLZ9100501' then total_num-rejected_num else 0 end) JLZ9100501p,
sum(case projectno when 'JLZ9100502' then total_num else 0 end) JLZ9100502t,
sum(case projectno when 'JLZ9100502' then total_num-rejected_num else 0 end) JLZ9100502p
from tbl_ndtproposor where enter_area='NJ' and (sflag='1' and pflag='1' or sflag='2' and pflag='1') and disp='0'
group by department,test_method,projectno order by department, projectno
SQL code
SET @s=''
SELECT @s=@s+',['+projectno+'t]=sum(case when projectno='''+projectno+''' then total_num else 0 end),['
+projectno+'p]=sum(case when projectno='''+projectno+''' then total_num-rejected_num else 0 end)'
FROM tbl_ndtproposor
GROUP BY projectno
EXEC('select department,test_method,projectno'+@s+' from tbl_ndtproposor
where enter_area=''NJ'' and (sflag=''1'' and pflag=''1'' or sflag=''2'' and pflag=''1'') and disp=''0''
group by department,test_method,projectno order by department, projectno