日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20651 次
select tc.*,(select sum(studyTime) from Tb_My_Study_Course_Count_Backup where userId=1442 and courseId=tc.id) as studyCount from Tb_Course as tc inner join Tb_My_Course as tb on tc.id=tb.courseId where tb.userId=1442 order by tc.id desc
select tc.*,sum(study.studyTime) as studyCount from Tb_Course as tc inner join (select courseId from Tb_My_Course where userId=1442) as tb on tc.id=tb.courseId inner join (select courseId from Tb_My_Study_Course_Count_Backup where userId=1442 ) study on study.courseId=tc.id order by tc.id desc
select tc.*,a.studyCount from Tb_Course as tc join ( select courseId,sum(studyTime) as studyCount from Tb_My_Study_Course_Count_Backup where userId=1442 and courseId in (select courseId from Tb_My_Course where userId=1442) group by courseId ) a on tc.id=a.courseid