日期:2014-05-18  浏览次数:20788 次

 with CET_Table as 
select 'A' name,1 as [month],0 as value
union all select 'A',2,1
union all select 'A',3,0
union all select 'A',4,0 
union all select 'A',5,1
union all select 'A',6,0 
union all select 'A',7,0 
union all select 'A',8,0 
union all select 'A',9,0 
union all select 'A',10,0 
union all select 'A',11,1 
union all select 'A',12,1  
union all select 'B',1,1
union all select 'B',2,0
union all select 'B',3,0
union all select 'B',4,1
union all select 'B',5,1
union all select 'B',6,1
union all select 'B',7,1
union all select 'B',8,1
union all select 'B',9,0
union all select 'B',10,0
union all select 'B',11,0
union all select 'B',12,1
select * from CET_Table


name month value number
A 1 0 1
A 2 1 1
A 3 0 1
A 4 0 2
A 5 1 1
A 6 0 1
A 7 0 2
A 8 0 3
A 9 0 4
A 10 0 5
A 11 1 1
A 12 1 2
B 1 1 1
B 2 0 1
B 3 0 2
B 4 1 1
B 5 1 2
B 6 1 3
B 7 1 4
B 8 1 5
B 9 0 1
B 10 0 2
B 11 0 3
B 12 1 1 

这是A和B两种产品的一年的销售情况,每个月都有, 0 代表本月份没有销售,1代表本月份有销售.
比如A产品 连续销售的最大月数为 11月和12月,所以为 2
A产品连续没有销售的最大月数为 6月,7月,8月,9月,10月 为 5


SQL code
with cte_mouth(mouth) as 
  select 1 union all
  select 2 
  select 3 union all
  select 4
  select 5 union all
  select 6 
  select 7 union all
  select 8
  select 9 union all
  select 10 
  select 11 union all
  select 12 union all
  select 13
select  [连续销售的最大月数]= case when value = 1 then max(sum_val) else 0 end ,
,[连续没有销售的最大月数] = case when value = 0 then max(sum_val) else 0 end 
select sum() over(partition by value,mouth_val ) sum_val,value
from (
select (a.mouth - b.mouth) mouth_val,b.value
cte_mouth a left join CET_Table b
on a.mouth -1  = b.mouth
) T
group by value

SQL code

create table #tbl(
name varchar(1),
[month] int,
value int
insert #tbl
select 'A',1,0 union all 
select 'A',2,1 union all 
select 'A',3,0 union all 
select 'A',4,0 union all 
select 'A',5,1 union all 
select 'A',6,0 union all 
select 'A',7,0 union all 
select 'A',8,0 union all 
select 'A',9,0 union all 
select 'A',10,0 union all 
select 'A',11,1 union all 
select 'A',12,1 union all 
select 'B',1,1 union all 
select 'B',2,0 union all 
select 'B',3,0 union all 
select 'B',4,1 union all 
select 'B',5,1 union all 
select 'B',6,1 union all 
select 'B',7,1 union all 
select 'B',8,1 union all 
select 'B',9,0 union all 
select 'B',10,0 union all 
select 'B',11,0 union all 
select 'B',12,1

;with t
select *,
id=[month]-ROW_NUMBER()over(partition by name,value order by [month])
from #tbl
select name as 产品,
max(case when value=1 then [days] end) as 连续销售的最大月数,
max(case when value=0 then [days] end) as 连续没有销售的最大月数
   from(select name,value,max([month])-min([month])+1 as [days]
from t group by name,id,value) a
group by name
产品    连续销售的最大月数    连续没有销售的最大月数
A    2    5
B    5    3
