日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20573 次
--参考 拆分表: --> --> (Roy)生成測試數據 if not object_id('Tab') is null drop table Tab Go Create table Tab([Col1] int,[COl2] nvarchar(5)) Insert Tab select 1,N'a,b,c' union all select 2,N'd,e' union all select 3,N'f' Go --SQL2000用辅助表: if object_id('Tempdb..#Num') is not null drop table #Num go select top 100 ID=Identity(int,1,1) into #Num from syscolumns a,syscolumns b Select a.Col1,COl2=substring(a.Col2,b.ID,charindex(',',a.Col2+',',b.ID)-b.ID) from Tab a,#Num b where charindex(',',','+a.Col2,b.ID)=b.ID --也可用 substring(','+a.COl2,b.ID,1)=',' --2000不使用辅助表 Select a.Col1,COl2=substring(a.Col2,b.number,charindex(',',a.Col2+',',b.number)-b.number) from Tab a join master..spt_values b ON B.type='p' AND B.number BETWEEN 1 AND LEN(A.col2) where substring(','+a.COl2,b.number,1)=',' SQL2005用Xml: select a.COl1,b.Col2 from (select Col1,COl2=convert(xml,'<root><v>'+replace(COl2,',','</v><v>')+'</v></root>') from Tab)a outer apply (select Col2=C.v.value('.','nvarchar(100)') from a.COl2.nodes('/root/v')C(v))b SQL05用CTE: ;with roy as (select Col1,COl2=cast(left(Col2,charindex(',',Col2+',')-1) as nvarchar(100)),Split=cast(stuff(COl2+',',1,charindex(',',Col2+','),'') as nvarchar(100)) from Tab union all select Col1,COl2=cast(left(Split,charindex(',',Split)-1) as nvarchar(100)),Split= cast(stuff(Split,1,charindex(',',Split),'') as nvarchar(100)) from Roy where split>'' ) select COl1,COl2 from roy order by COl1 option (MAXRECURSION 0) 生成结果: /* Col1 COl2 ----------- ----- 1 a 1 b 1 c 2 d 2 e 3 f */
select company_name... from databasetable where blog_cateid like '3%'
try: select company_name... from databasetable where charindex(‘,’+ltrim(3),blog_cateid)>0