日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20701 次
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Up_Info_CheckInfo] @chid int, @colidstr nvarchar(500)='', @Type int=1, @B_Date datetime='', @E_Date datetime='', @property varchar(50)='', @propertytype varchar(10)='=', @propertyvalue varchar(50)='', @recordcount int=0 output as declare @wherestr nvarchar(2000) set @wherestr = ''; if(@chid!=0) set @wherestr = @wherestr+' co.chid='+convert(nvarchar(15),@chid)+' and '; if(@colidstr!='0') set @wherestr = @wherestr+' i.colId in('+@colidstr+') and '; if(@property!='' and @propertytype!='' and @propertyvalue!='') set @wherestr = @wherestr+' i.'+@property+@propertytype+@propertyvalue+' and '; if(@Type!=1) set @wherestr = @wherestr+'i.AddTime between '+@B_Date+' and '+@E_Date+' and ' set @wherestr = @wherestr+' i.status!=-1 and i.isdeleted=0' declare @selecttable nvarchar(500) set @selecttable = 'KyArticle i join kycolumn co on i.colid=co.colid join kychannel ch on ch.chid=co.chid ' declare @sqlstr Nvarchar(4000) set @sqlstr =' select PowerName as 机构,count(i.[id]) as 数量 from '+@selecttable+' join KyAdmin ad on i.UId=ad.UserId right join KyPowerGroup p on ad.GroupId=p.PowerId where '+@wherestr+' group by p.PowerId,p.PowerName' execute sp_executesql @sqlstr; 执行存储过程的语句:use cyCms execute Up_Info_CheckInfo @chid=21,@colidstr='128,138,140,141',@Type=2,@B_Date='2012/4/26 14:17:48',@E_Date='2012/5/20 15:15:10'
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Up_Info_CheckInfo] @chid int, @colidstr nvarchar(500)='', @Type int=1, @B_Date datetime='', @E_Date datetime='', @property varchar(50)='', @propertytype varchar(10)='=', @propertyvalue varchar(50)='', @recordcount int=0 output as declare @wherestr nvarchar(2000) set @wherestr = ''; if(@chid!=0) set @wherestr = @wherestr+' co.chid='+convert(nvarchar(15),@chid)+' and '; if(@colidstr!='0') set @wherestr = @wherestr+' i.colId in('+@colidstr+') and '; if(@property!='' and @propertytype!='' and @propertyvalue!='') set @wherestr = @wherestr+' i.'+@property+@propertytype+@propertyvalue+' and '; if(@Type!=1) set @wherestr = @wherestr+'i.AddTime between '''+@B_Date+''' and '''+@E_Date+''' and ' --注意需要添加''',提示含有单引号,来引用日期 set @wherestr = @wherestr+' i.status!=-1 and i.isdeleted=0' declare @selecttable nvarchar(500) set @selecttable = 'KyArticle i join kycolumn co on i.colid=co.colid join kychannel ch on ch.chid=co.chid ' declare @sqlstr Nvarchar(4000) set @sqlstr =' select PowerName as 机构,count(i.[id]) as 数量 from '+@selecttable+' join KyAdmin ad on i.UId=ad.UserId right join KyPowerGroup p on ad.GroupId=p.PowerId where '+@wherestr+' group by p.PowerId,p.PowerName' execute sp_executesql @sqlstr; --执行存储过程的语句:use cyCms execute Up_Info_CheckInfo @chid=21,@colidstr='128,138,140,141',@Type=2,@B_Date='2012/4/26 14:17:48',@E_Date='2012/5/20 15:15:10'
--这里修改下 set @wherestr = @wherestr+'i.AddTime between '+convert(varchar(50),@B_Date)+' and '+convert(varchar(50),@E_Date)+' and '
set @wherestr = @wherestr+'i.AddTime between '+cast(@B_Date as varchar(30)) +' and '+cast(@E_Date as varchar(30))+' and ' set @wherestr = @wherestr+' i.status!=-1 and i.isdeleted=0' --楼主需要注意的是要将连接的变量看看是不是类型一致的。你的日期类型不能跟字符串连接啊